The Beekless Timeline

I'd love an episode of Duck Dynasty with rednecks watching Looking. If there is ever a special please let me know.

It wasn't cancelled. They pulled it from schedule and relaunched it on The Lifetime Movie Network. It might still do well there and get renewed.

> Tonight, Family Guy leans hard on the Brian-Stewie relationship and silly, unnecessarily “shocking” sources of comedy as Brian gives Stewie herpes

Tyrion and Jorah Mormont should get a season devoted to them investigating the crimes committed by the Sons of the Harpy and other criminals of Meereen. They are both hired by Daenerys, but her past relationship with Jorah and her present hatred for Lannisters make things complicated.

The 90s are like a sleeping volcano of embarrassment. Every time you forget that something existed between 80s and the Internet age, it awakens and vomits out something like this.

Dexter was more of a comedy than this. Stupid Showtime.

How I Was Fucking Your Mother When David Letterman Had Retired (But Secretly Thought About Fucking Your Aunt Robin When Your Mother Retires From This World)

Oh god, this explains everything.

They took out that aspect out along with Maxxie, I think.

Well, I hated the first season of Teen Wolf (seriously, the show gets so much better later), but it's streets ahead of SHIELD.

I was trying to like this episode (honest), but there is no way in hell I'd give it anything above B grade. Then again, I have no idea how come there isn't even a single C among the first six episodes of the season (there was some hardcore D/F-level stuff there).

She doesn't need a boat, there are pills for that.


Now this came out of nowhere.

Gone to google me some low-budget indie torture porn.

Well, that's Teen Wolf for you. I remember on Supernatural they'd made a story arc out of this. Two shapeshifters turned into the Winchesters and slaughtered a shitload of people in a hospital to put them out of the game. It mostly worked, forcing the brothers to lay low and interfere less with their plans for world

Please get help.

Upvoted for best promotion of The Following ever. When you describe it like this I actually want to watch the show. Too bad I already know that it's a pretentious snoozefest filled with subpar acting, horrid writing and some of the most incompetent people ever portrayed on television.

3B > 2 > 3A > 1

They are SOMETHING, okay?