The Beekless Timeline

It's not even that. They just recorded the footage in the building that is state-owned (not church-owned) and is decorated as a church.

I'm pretty sure the first guy they will see will be Nadezhda's husband. He's been camped outside the prison with a few friends and supporters for a day now.

There are actually ad agencies in Russia that are on contract with pro-Kremlin youth movements (that are being funded, you guessed it, with taxpayers' money) that have entire departments of people browsing the interwebs and promoting Putin and United Russia party. They are all over LiveJournal (it's still huge in

So that only leaves us The Carrie Diaries. I have to say that I did not see that coming, avclub.

I'm slowly rewatching Veronica Mars, hoping to finish the rewatch before the movie hits the theatres and digital services. Between the ongoing shows that I watch and my work I don't have much time for it unfortunately. But aside from the few exceptions this year an episode of Veronica Mars usually ends up being the

To be fair there are hardly any rules in Doctor Who, say pretty much anything can be canon there without meaning a thing. Then again, the same applies to the bible.

That would look good written on a tombstone.

> Sawyer asks her grandfather: "Why did you lie to the doctor?"
> "Sometimes, we have to say certain things that aren't true to protect
the people we love."

But we haven't even seen the Hostages finale yet. You have to believe in it.

Thank you for that unexpected (yet welcome) S4 fanboy rage. It is a good enough example of how wrong S4 had been and what a different audience it attracted.

Yeah, A- for the ep where that thing happens that would've happened two years ago if only showrunners (and Showtime) had some guts.

Not really. Season 4 was pretty bad and this is a polite enough way to separate it from the rest of the show. I don't think that we are obliged to feel sorry for S4 showrunners. They got paid for whatever the hell that was.

The more I watch this season the more I become convinced that Asylum and its grim awesomeness were just an accident. It's hard to imagine how this shallow garbage could be produced by the same people who created Briarcliff just a year ago.

I loved Allison Mack too. She was great on Wilfred last year, it's a shame that she seems to be having trouble landing more gigs.

This year it's just Black Mirror DVDs.

I'm not even sure Sonia would be able to save this. I mean, there isn't anything on this show that would inspire a decent joke, provoke hate, rage or even mild annoyance. It's like a dead beached whale - it has nothing going for it, it's mostly just sad.

It was just as bad as those previous two episodes. And the other seven before them. I honestly have no idea how this manages to get better grades than Hostages. Hostages is at least a lot of fun to read about. Agents of SHIELD is like vomit-inducing chemical weapon that puts you in a coma that you won't be waking up

I'd quit watching AoS (Agents of Shit) after the shitfest that the first five episodes had been, but about a week ago I thought I'd check out the most recent one. Somehow it was even worse.