The Beekless Timeline

Baby needs colostrum.

1. White Bear
2. Fifteen Million Merits
3. Be Right Back
4. The National Anthem
5. The Waldo Moment
6. The Entire History of You

A+. Proper sick shit, will be rewatching it every Christmas.

S1 > S4 > S2* > S5 > everything else in the entire world > S3

I actually laughed when Holy Slut had cut Alisha's throat. That was such a pathetic random attempt to show something shocking that I naturally had an opposite reaction to it.

Anyway, here is my list of A caliber eps:

S3E8? That was perhaps the most piss-poor writing I'd seen on Misfits. I hate it when shows just randomly throw in old familiar faces hoping this can even out the flaws of the story.

But wasn't the point of the story with that teleporting guy that Alex had helped him without fucking him? I'm pretty sure he still has his power - he just learned to be confident and it doesn't bother him now.

A-. Having seen the finale already I kind of wish this had been the finale.

By the way - I can't see this review from the Black Mirror page, clicking on Season 2 tab returns an error (Sorry, but we couldn't find any results for "".). Maybe it's not in the right category or something since "The Entire History Of You" is still on top of the BM page.

B+. It's a really well-done episode of television, but this show has better ones still. Like the one coming next week. Lord, beer me strength.

*immediately loses all will to resist, buys a season pass on iTunes, preorders DVDs*

I hear Tahiti is a magical place.

So there is no "biggest disappointment of the year that we were expecting anyway" on the list.

It is resolved in the next episode which is available online if you reside in the UK or have a mediahint plugin installed in your browser.

The power of fuck had cured her and she is now living the dream in bars with dozens of hot guys and gals, until STDs do them part. It is a happy ending if Misfits ever had one.

A-. I like drunk Rowan grades much better. Hopefully he gets proper wasted for the finale.

The final episode is titled "Classy" and will be penned by Miley Cyrus herself. It's a Lola-centric, of course, with voice-overs and Lola's favorite car songs playing on the loop in the background throughout the entire episode, including hits like "We can't stop", "Let's get crazy" and "You're beautiful" by James

There probably weren't any people who didn't want to like it, we all came ready and willing. But it's not just a weak show, it's a weak show that takes pride in how shallow, mainstream and primitive it is.

B-. The idea is nice but it's a pretty simple one and most of the episode is just repetition before the inevitable happens.