The Beekless Timeline

> Skye: “Did she lose anyone in there?” Coulson: “Herself.” Groan.

An Angel-like spinoff with Alex would be perfect. HBI (Handsome Barman Investigations) will sort out any superpower-related trouble you've gotten yourself into.

I lost it at that Korean poop mash-up. I just couldn't. Please don't go, Misfits.


I couldn't care less for Fiona/Axeman and whatever Zoe has been up to. Queenie was fun, but it's the seventh episode and there is barely any interesting plot to care about.

Her abuse is hardly extreme in a world where people spend their lives in tiny cubes paying to turn off the brainwashing after having to work as power generators all day long. This is a tragic story of two people who stood up to the machine but were casually devoured by it.

Safe word DLC not purchased. Punishment will be continued.

Came here for a D, left satisfied. But yes, most of the preceding episodes still deserve a big fat F.

This is my favorite episode of the two series. Kaluuya's delivery of his speech was extremely powerful and intense (I think a blood vessel popped in his eye) and the script is nothing short of great.

It was cute until I actually started using it. It's one of those designs that look sleek and cool on promotional videos and you drool and want to get that app on your phone. And then you install it, feel violated and cry yourself to sleep.

> The show has moved on from its original cast but maintained the same
edge. It's still better than 99% of the dreck of most serial

How boring does this show have to get to finally get a C? Even more boring.

An episode full of stuff I can't ever imagine happening anywhere else on TV is graded B- and called "average". I guess this is where I unsubscribe.

Surely the high quality standards of A&E will prevent Carlton Cuse from creating something both overly pretentious and incredibly distasteful. Wait, oh shi~

Well, they did dispose of the rabbit guy (if I remember correctly, he did not disappear after they killed him) and she obviously knew what happened to Nadine's body.

I dunno, man. I normally agree with you on everything Misfits (heck, I was lucky to discover your S3 reviews halfway through S4 when it seemed like the entire Internet went "misfits suxx nao brin bakk nathan and simon plz kill new cast"), but I honestly can't see your point here.

B- for that series opener? What a typical US approach to morality - it's barely noted that this show treats murders (murders, for fucks sake - as in killing people and eating fucking Cornettos while discovering/dumping their bodies) about as casually as it would brunches, but non-consensual sex is where we draw the

This episode would have been the most disturbing thing I'd watched last night, but then the Misfits series 5 premiere came along and the world ended.

The grades for this show make me think that I might be watching a different one. Not that I care much, I'm watching for Claire Daines and her facial expressions.

Since white people are the target of his ironic statement, opposing said statement makes one less progressive and, in fact, even racist.