The Beekless Timeline

It was nowhere near as good as the Asylum premiere, but hey, it was still fun. That C+ looks like it has no idea why it's even there.


He was probably on the set that one time. This might be a sacred memory or something, please be gentle.

"objectively and arguably the best new show of the season"

Oh lord, the fanboy rage. The shows I dislike are crap, the show I like should get better grades. Please me now!

Low Winter Pretentious Snoozefest is still not cancelled? Oh boy, they sure are desperate with Breaking Bad and Mad Men ending soon.

After what happened to Starburns it's about damn time.

Edith is Meg Griffin basically, except Meg gets to do stuff.

Good night, sweet show.

We all know that it's Ginger who really runs the place, god bless her heart and whatever remains of her brain after being glamoured so often.

> Warlow’s obsession with Sookie is still very confusing to me. Why does
she have to become a vampire for them to be together? Did I miss
something? (I probably missed something.)

Season 1: B
Season 2: B+
Season 3: A-
Season 4: A
Season 5: B+
Season 6: D
Season 7: C
Season 8: F

This next Olympics has insane trolling potential.

NBC could just stay there in 2014 for all I care. As long as Hannibal goes on elsewhere, obviously.

Not half as depressing as actually living in Russia, one might imagine.

Ike is kind of like Nancy Botwin basically. Tries to be a good father, is knee deep in shit, secretly enjoys "being a shark", people get killed all around him.

They sure took their sweet time this year, but the last two episodes had been a lot of fun. And Alcide scenes are like commercials - you can make some tea and grab a cookie from the kitchen.

So this is one more thing that Magic City does right yet nobody cares. I swear, Rubicon looks like a mainstream hit compared to this show.

The ending to this episode was fucking perfect. The way this show deals with portraying collateral damage in the big power plays is commendable. I hope it doesn't get cancelled.

Ben Diamond will now be able to piss on people while they gamble.