
Apologies if this has already been noted, but I found it especially significant that the one readable book title in Nora's bookcase was apparently the novel by Susan Rebecca White, "A Soft Place to Land".

I never thought I would say this, but I believe The Americans" is running out of gas. I've found that I no longer really care what happens to the characters and I no longer watch the ever-darker episodes on the DVR immediately after they end. Surely Elizabeth and Philip know how bleak life is in the Soviet Union and

Pom poms, drumsticks, all the same. The link works.

Who rang your bell? As a viewer, I am as entitled to express my disagreement as he is to write the review.
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Of course. Now that you've explained it, it's actually intuitively obvious. Thank you for opening my mind.

More is always better.

I gotta wonder about the wisdom of holding an unshielded nuclear warhead in one's hand.

You can be sure they will both appear, albeit as slightly different personages.

I saw nothing more than speculation, no spoilers.

Wow. What an arrogant, yet uninformed review. "Modest thrills"? Were we watching the same show? Give me a break. I was on the edge of my seat, popcorn forgotten, from beginning to end. FX were stunning and the story remained generally faithful to the books.

As for Australia, why, that's actually where all of the departed found themselves. The global departure phenomenon was actually an intricately engineered plot to populate that lonely little continent.

He had devolved.

In case anyone is curious, the medal Errinwrite insisted Avasarala keep is actually the US Army Achievement Medal.

So what was with the creaking floor board on the main floor when Carrie was downstairs checking on Max? They just let it fall through the cracks, so to speak.

I wonder if the Governor General herself is really going to be safe. Standing on the bridge doesn't seem the safest place to be and, after all, the red hand massacre happened on her watch after she had already given assurances she had it under control. Surely there's a personal price to pay. She doesn't appear

They're actually Daleks.

So exactly why were the blackjacks executing the redhats?

For crying out loud, it's a REVIEW! intended for those who have already viewed the episode. What do you expect? Avoid this web site altogether if you've not yet seen the episode. You should know how to do that. In the meantime, get over it. Your complaint is simply selfish.

Not quite that simple.

1. A simple technicality here. A martyr is one who willingly endures persecution and, ultimately, death rather than renounce a cause. Bobby Draper is very much alive.