El Condor Pasa

Until they kill Terry Maitland, so, basically the first three episodes, I liked the show slightly better than the book. For the rest of it, I thought the book did a better job with the story. Ben Mendelsohn carried the second half of the series, and had he not been there - had those episodes really had to stand on

I remember when They Might Be Giants actually toured, instead of only playing places they can reach by bicycle or bus pass from their apartment in Brooklyn.

If you want to learn to read, get an English degree.

For me, Jason Bateman’s speech in the prison, where he talks about teaching Ralph’s son to bunt, was the high point of this production. That was one hell of a performance. I’ve been a fan of Jason Bateman a long time, but I had no idea (and would not have guessed) that he had that much juice.

That could have been worse. I regret watching that episode of the Walking Dead less than I regret having watched most of them.

No, he didn’t. At all. The reality you are apparently incapable of grasping is that between when he hooked up with her and now there was a period of about 15 years where the internet hadn’t taken over the world, so there was very little unified public outcry over anything. The minute the general populace went online

This would be a completely different discussion, taking place in a completely different tone, had Woody Allen not gotten involved with, and then married, a girl who was technically not his stepdaughter. That was the same level of Public Relations Suicide as Michael “Cosmo Kramer” Richards screaming the N-word (no, not

This whole discussion seems crazy to me, because there is literally no reason, especially for someone with Woody Allen’s brand recognition, to publish a book through a publisher anyway. These days, a third of the bestseller list is always self published indy stuff. Woody could certainly afford the $200 to $400 to have

I don’t believe you. I would bet a million dollars that at least one person on this list quotes Big Trouble in Little China and/or Pee Wee’s Big Adventure more often than the movie they listed.

Replace Neil deGrasse Tyson with Janna Levin, and you’ve got yourself a stew going.

I don’t know how much of the old magic they’ll manage to recapture, but I do know that Dave Foley can still write a good weird monologue, so that’s something to look forward to. I really hope Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet are coming back with them.

This is a weird story when you read all of it. Some of the stuff she says sounds completely true, and other parts are obviously a lie (like saying she had no idea, at 14 (the age of consent in Canada at the time) why the guys were inviting them back to the hotel room). I don’t know what to think. Aside from: maybe

Don’t fret. In the book Holly kills it with a sock full of ball bearings. If that were going to happen in the show, we’d have seen the sock and ball bearings by now, so none of us have any idea how the show is going to end. Or if it is going to end at all, since they’re calling the final episode a “season finale”.

Flavor Flav doesn’t play any instruments in Public Enemy songs. As far as I know, the two DJs (Terminator X and later DJ Lord) are the ones responsible for all the actual music under the lyrics. I’ve seen them live, and Flav is just a mascot (or hype man, in the parlance of hip hop). Like all mascots, he is a symbol

I like to imagine this story playing out as a series of hilarious smash cuts.

That “season finale” thing was very weird. And pretty much spoils the final episode, since the monster will need to survive and escape for anything like a second season to be possible.

My weekend has been very “of the moment” compared to my usual diet of movies and television from the 60s and 70s...

Well, Chuck D is the living voice of revolution, and Flavor Flav is a burned out chickenhead court jester brought in to provide comic relief for a band that was so serious and on message at all times that it actually needed comic relief. So I’m going to go ahead and side with Chuck on this one.

What Sony has said, I believe, is that they’re hoping to make Dreams content accessible on platforms other than the ps4, somewhere down the line. It didn’t sound like a port, though, so much as they are looking for ways to export some of the better creations from Dreams and make them available in other formats.

You can either have a twitter account, or insist you and your subject be treated with a sense of respect and gravitas, but you have to pick one.