
“If he is smart”

Even if the car meets the technical letter of the agreement for the buyback, courts will sometimes interpret such contracts through the vein of “good faith.” If its clear the agreement that cars be “operable” to qualify, but that VW intended that be broad enough to cover cars that had some dings, dents, scratches,

The definition of “operable” is clearly defined. What constitutes as a “vehicle” isn’t.

I agree 100%. I wonder if he’ll have to put his car back together again to qualify for the buyback?

1) Joe is a big enough asshole, that he found a way to make people feel sympathy for VW

Ya ever wonder if the folks at VW know how to use the internet? This shit has been all over Reddit and the rest of the internet for days. I’m not at all surprised they told him to pound sand.

He fucked himself by acting in bad faith and attempting to defraud VW.

They’re doing exactly what I would do. Deny/postpone his buyback to discourage others from doing the same thing.. then drag it out to maintain the fear and anxiety as long as possible. Think the next guy is gonna be willing to strip his car before the buyback? I know I wouldn’t be gambling with $10-20k.

No, they aren’t destroying all of the cars and will fix them when they know how. I do believe they will destroy some of them, but not all. Also all of the cars with AD Blue will be fixed and resold, it will be way easier to fix.

He fucked himself by bragging before the fact.

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

If the car was like this prior to VW saying they would buy back cars then i woukd be on Joes side. But VW made an offer unseen and were under good faith people would not purposly ruin the value of their cars before handing them over.

Congratulations to this douche.

What a dick. They effed up and are “trying” to do the right thing to make it right and he is taking advantage and just being a dick. They should fight back.

I’ll keep saying it: acting in reasonably bad faith is grounds to dispute most contracts and written agreements.


He’s out of luck, if VW denies the buy back his recourse is a lawsuit if he can find a lawyer willing to take the case, no judge or jury will agree the vehicle meets the standard of operable.

Anyone else have a laugh about how he says he’s waited long enough, but now he has to wait longer because he tried to game the system and got called out? And likely has to wait even more now that additional lawyers will get involved.

zero sympathy. zero. like kelvin zero.

I don’t see how this thing can be considered operable. He would get pulled over by the first possible cop and have the car impounded.