
So So Wrong

3 million out of roughly how many again??

While I mostly agree, I can’t help but interject with this:

From the modern ones? I agree. But the C10 2000 GTR is my numero one.

This is the droid you are looking for.

Sorry I’m late for the party.

I don’t hug trees brah. I cut them down with 2 cycle chainsaw. That’s your snowflake bud over there that’s into the hugging shit.

You are triggered, how hilarious. My goal is to trigger one leftist lunatic a day. I’m over my quota. I would also suggest moving to India, China or some other dirty shithole. You can practice you free speech and tree hugging there. They will love you.

Fuck you. thanks, 1/2 the country who voted FOR Trump. get off your high horse

Hmm. Your comment. You are showing symptoms..... Here’s what I need you to do. Get up. Go to the bathroom. Look in the mirror. Realize that you could very well be the idiot. Then, go and look, and I mean LOOK for your common decency. It’s probably near your Internet login. PSA; hatred and xenophobia is a two way

Trumpie? Oh, you are so intellectual, Internet Tough Guy. You see, the ad hominid is usually a sign of losing the argument, and having nothing better to say.

You mad brah? Don’t fucking melt too soon SJW snowflake. Maybe find a safe room or a tree to hug. Tada!

You angry sad liberals are so cute.

Hillary fucking sucked, get over it. If you didn’t want Trump in office, you should have played a half way decent candidate.

In addition to thanking people for not voting for her...thanks, Hillary, for being a total shit-show.

My, you liberals are such violent people. Full of hate

Thanks for quoting that National Review article; in it Pruitt and Strange made a really ridiculous pile of misinformation.