
I had to double check that this wasn't the food section after reading your comment because Nelly just got roasted!

Is that Sisqo?

I was going to say something to defend Iowa, but nah, fuck this state. The major(?) cities are somewhat sane, but nowhere near enough to have any pride about living here.

Man, people are weird about Yoko Ono.

Kind of ironic…The Wire is a perfect example of a show that someone could easily dismiss after watching only the first episode. I think you should really give Breaking Bad a chance. I won't say that it's as good as The Wire, but it is a very solid and entertaining drama.

Couldn't agree more. I thought this was a pretty poor episode. It just seemed to be a mishmash of random tropes thrown together with no meaningful relation to the story arc or to any character development, aside from Jared feeling unappreciated, which was beaten to death. I want to like this show, and I'll keep

Boy, they must have some really long names!

It's hilarious tragedy after hilarious tragedy. Gray peppered with silver.

Wow, you guys just don't get us Leos.

New new no-no! If your new rule is that Bill Maher is a complete douchebag, I should be able to call that an old new rule. New no-no - 'Bill Maher is a complete douchebag' is an old new rule now.

Is your father a thief? In which case you probably like assholes, in which case I'm perfect for you.

So good. I was immediately anticipating the obvious impression, but no…YES! they just did that!

Check it out?

Sounds pretty similar to the game "Proteus."

You couldn't even tell that these NBC commentators grew up during the Cold War era. Great coverage.

yeah i agree but what about hitler tho. would you say hes not and evil man

Chickeeeeeeeen! John Gemberling is awesome. Really liking this show so far.

I had the same reaction at first, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't L2.

Hamm's gams is my jam.

Congratulations on the new show. It's great to be "deer"