Hello from the Geneva Motor Show! We’re looking forward to our AMA tomorrow. Don’t worry if it’s too early for you. You can post your questions now and we’ll get through as many as we can tomorrow. See you then!
The saddest part is Mayweather says he doesn’t drive them. These cars should be liberated under the Supercar Mistreatment Act of 2016, which will be law as soon as we can get 12 internet commenters to agree to a petition and Congress to pass it and the President sign it into law. Since the Prez drove a 1963 Split…
A good buddy of mine who had to go to your country and manage the “progress” of 787 components at Alenia Aeronautica, said you folks take 20 minute breaks every 20 minutes!
“The original V8 engine looks pretty much untouched and clean as a nun’s porn stash.”
No. This selfish prick ruined a few packages for his own use.
Flawlessly? Except for that that weird glitch where the temperature keeps registering as Celsius instead of Fahrenheit.
And back then people complained about how bad the stereo sounded because all the sliders were in random spots...
Neutral: In an era where people are still returning laptops and tablets to Best Buy because “it won’t get to AOL” or “it doesn’t have a CD slot” (both things I heard just this past week waiting in line to pick up a pre-ordered game), and refusing to accept the voluntary guidance and help of people half their age who…
For 50's car frames yes (X-frame). Truck frames didn’t really change (I-beam). Most anything from the 1960-80’s (import wise) won’t end particularly well either frankly.
I always get the bare minimum for infotainment. Minimum being aux jack, bluetooth,vehicle diagnostic to phone and usb charger. Touchscreens and built in apps(that’s what the phone is for)/wifi(I have a phone!)/lte(a weboost cradle with an antenna ensures cellular 99% of time) never ever age well.
I generally agree. I think CR is trying to capture an overall ownership experience metric with that “reliability” score, and it’s too opaque.
Former USMC rotary wing guy here... We call them choppers all the time. "Get to the choppa" is uttered at least three times daily in a Marine Corps Flightline shop. There is an unspoken quota, I think.