In NFL Jam, this is what would happen every time you won three straight home games.
In NFL Jam, this is what would happen every time you won three straight home games.
When he says “posts like this” he means his own comment.
Shame, because I really need a tool tray and my budget to procure one is $12,000 plus shipping.
So lousy engine, uninspired styling, punishing ride, barely bigger inside than a Fiesta, badly thought-out gearing and mediocre fuel economy? Are you sure you like this car?
Replying to myself because holy shit, what if we could replace all the 4-door “coupes” with 2-door sedans...?!
In a world in which no Trump existed, I would fight the prospect of a Pence presidency with every breath in my body.
“I went to the doctor, but all he did was suck blood from my neck. Don’t go see Dr. Akula.”
Thanks for this. In appreciation, I’m going to sponsor you as an endowed faculty commenter.
Williams Sonoma. Fuck them and their $60 olivewood ladles.
I assume your first sentence means clones of Mick Foley have spread to every celestial body in the solar system.
Also morbid obesity.
“You Know You’re Right” from Nirvana was a #1 single, but that probably had a lot to do with it being Cobain’s last recording more than its raw merit as a track.
Weirdly enough, I had exactly the same experience with Queen’s two greatest hits volumes. I think I’ve listened to Vol. II about five thousand times since I saw their VH1 Legends episode as a teenager, and only picked up Vol. I about three years ago.
This is good logic.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. They’re 2-2 and a game back of the Bills. The Bills.
You guys clearly need to check out Def Jam: Fight for NY.
Also known as “Rocket Bunny murder”.
For basically the same money you could have an R5 Turbo 2 Evo. Same miles, legit Group B homologation credentials, 100% legal.
The Alfa’s fantastic, but my main takeaway from this is just how good Chris is at putting together coherent sentences while completely in control of big, lurid slides. Jezza and Hammond always seem to be giggling and shouting throughout the oversteery sections of their films, while Harris can seemingly narrate a…