
Geralt would make Human Fall Flat a must buy.

This is actually kind of beautiful. Art without a care for legacy or commerce. Like drawing a dong in the snow or bathroom stall drawings. I dig it.

Spire is some really great work, but there are aspects of it that make me head back to Monster Slayers, which is a perfect game. Can’t wait to see where it goes and hope it spawns even more Dream Quest-alikes

When I can get into a group I love the hunting horn. Solo I get right smacked around.

This bankruptcy also had an impact on my very large province which now needs to find someone else to plow 35,000km of highways in east central Alberta. Why on earth did they have that contract in the first place?

Weird that a guy with a history of sexual assault would have poor impulse control.

Oh hey I suggested this on Twitter my actions DO have an impact on history eat your heart out Tolstoy

Spoilers for box art. I have been on Video Game Internet for about 15 years now and this is a first. Holy shit.

Weird team name, what next the Chicago Fire?

I had a great Wishlist of apps on the App Store. There is no longer a wishlist on the App Store.

Acceptance of ethically dubious sponsors naturally begets ethically dubious fan behaviour.

Wow, I missed the fact that Sunday Ticket won’t even be available from cable companies. What a huge blow for them. Almost every serious non-millenial (read: cable subscriber) NFL fan I know here gets Sunday Ticket

Top drawer.

A good series by a good writer. Not a fan of the direction the show took but that’s just me.

This really just sounds like a roundabout Levy’on Bell.

Mario is a huge Titanica fan.

Really great moment for democracy, being able to stream this live anywhere from a number of sources. It’s never been easier to watch the ascent of a war fuhrer.

Not to nitpick but if you hit the Third Person button (whatever that is, it’s the touchpad on the PS4) while your Pip Boy is up your character will hold it closer to your face. Makes the actual information take up closer to 90% of your screen.

I just replaced my horrible Dyson stick vac with a Sebo Felix. It might be the best purchase I’ve ever made.

Bethesda is a loss but at least Ubisoft coverage will be at a minimum. They’ve been putting out crap for the better part of a decade now.