
I’m not sure, but let’s fell a bunch of influencers just to check.

EarthBound truly makes everything better.

Everything else today is terrible. Except for this, this is perfect.

that only Stephen King likes

What’s that law that says the simplest answer is usually the correct answer? Either way, the answer in this case is easy - racism.

How butt plugs like Whiggly get starred when I’ve been in the greys for years is one of the great mysteries of my life.

Dudes like this pop up in every single article that references any of these gig economy companies. Fuck ‘em.

I feel like this week has lasted YEARS.

Thanks for the jimmy rustling.

It’s Friday y’all, I’m deep in outrage fatigue, so I apologize for my lack of smartass quips. This country sucks.

If you support letting people not vaccinate their kids, you are by default anti-vax. *shrug*

By cancer, Uncle Joe is of course referring this nonsense the kids are calling Medicare For All. Just like cancer, it would eat into the healthcare industry’s profits so deeply, they’d die.

Basically a huge drawn out Greek tragedy, but all this reality show garbage right now is just the prequel, I think.

I tell myself this is all an elaborate soap opera, taking place surreptitiously behind the scenes of all the major news and governmental goings-on. Blanche always thinks they’re they star, because of course that’s what Blanche would think.

Either Blanche almost had an epiphany, or was overcome with the vapors.

Can I suggest they start with the all the Republicans creating these laws?

If we can make this a class-action lawsuit, where everyone who’s ever been subjected to seeing his face or hearing his voice, then I’m in. Millions of people lined up to take a shot at that smug fucker. That, to me, is what heaven is like.

Don’t worry, she’s getting locked up as soon as we deal with her buttery males.

How this shitbag got ungreyed is what should be investigated.