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I humbly submit ParaNorman as a worthy entry into this list.

I guess since Splinter is gone, I’ll just camp out at Barf Bag from now on to get my daily dose of snarky news coverage. Where else in the G/O sites have the refugees gone?

Hey, I was one of those commenters!

I’m also in favor, can we take a binding vote? Her false equivalence between her intense unpopularity today and what happened with the DNC in 2016 is some disingenuous bullshit.

An ‘87 323 manual was also my first car. That thing was a beast for its size, and the mileage was incredible by any standard.

Perfect impersonation, you deserve more stars than I can give. 

Jesus christ, fuck everything about this. 

*chef’s kiss*

Trump Unhinged = Mango Unchained

The state itself is willing to give them billions of dollars if they have a bad day.

Unlike Ted Cruz and that tonsil stone moment.

I apologize on behalf of my whole state. It’s really fucking stupid.

One of the most beautiful and touching albums from my lifetime. It was always nakedly emotional, and it’s stuck with me, in good times and bad, for 20 years now. I’ll probably put it back in rotation today.

I will never forget, nor ever not star/upvote/like, any and every Ted Cruz/Zodiac Killer meme.

As long as you scoot over and let me hitch a ride, sure.

I guess the A squad is out on vacation.

I don’t even have enough mental energy to get any more outraged today. I’m just sad and disgusted.

Thanks, I was already depressed this morning.

Thanks, you’re pretty great yourself. I gave in to a moment of weakness and you called it correctly. I’d call it a win any day.