
Instead, I hope he trips on his socks’ combover and falls to his death.

Seriously, she’s so damn great. Any left-identifying person who doesn’t see her as the real front runner (or at least a serious top 3 contender) isn’t paying attention. She has her shit together.

Did they buy the GOP lunch afterwards?

I’m down with this. Surely it can all be financed with some sort of federal subsidy.

I’re not wrong, but probably not the preferred method.

Do you get synergy points between the topic of this post and your username and avatar? Cuz you should.

Add a restaurant that exclusively makes taco salads that are good, and you know, actually salads, compared to that bullshit giant taco Trump used in his photo op. That was a hard eye roll.

It’s a damn shame.

Make the whole tower into a giant bodega and you’ve got my attention.

Oh no, how do I convey my absolute SHOCK when the surprised Pikachu meme isn’t enough?

It’s sad that you’re right, and it doesn’t give me a warm-fuzzy that a potential presidential win is going to make any discernible difference.

It’s like no one running this site cares that it’s going to shit.

You’re either bad at trolling or just ignorant, but either way you add nothing to the conversation, no possible solutions, just bad faith arguments. Sad.

Yeah, I get tired of hearing that shit too. “It’s too expensive to fix, won’t someone think of the shareholders?! Dying is just cheaper!”

Cool, we’ll just sit back and wait to die then. Thanks for your valuable input.

This is the correct take, and I can’t see how anyone claiming to be left-leaning doesn’t see it. Winning a majority in the Senate is just as important, if not moreso, than winning the presidency. We need to be pursuing every possible avenue.

I’ll say it again, whomever at Splinter keeps bringing these asshats out of the greys deserves a firing.

Who the FUCK at Splinter keeps ungreying ignorant shit like this??

Why do people keep bringing these fucking trolls out of the greys?

Beat me to it.