Personally I would’ve went with “Hamburdler”.
Personally I would’ve went with “Hamburdler”.
I know! Should’ve just gone with the DINO who is ok with the gays!
I know, you’re right. I should’ve known better than to have a spark of hope. It really is this bad.
That’s incredibly depressing.
Unfortunately, you’re 100% right. But remember, we need somebody ELECTABLE! CAN’T GO TOO FAR LEFT!!!
Another single father, same thing. I get a lot of unearned sympathy. While being a single parent is tough on anyone, women also deal with the inherent sexism.
I read about this yesterday and thought, surely he’s gonna get impeached or something very soon - right? I know this country is hot garbage, but it’s not usually this egregious - or am I still just too naive?
Good points, but I’d still rather push for a solid Senate majority. Beto, Abrams, Hickenlooper, Bullock from Montana, and a handful of others need to look at the bigger picture. And yes, I know, politicians are not generally known for their depth of humility, but still, it’d be helpful.
I think he wanted to seem like one of those “business-friendly” Republicans, and let Marsha do all the Trump cheerleading for TN.
When I was younger, my dad used to take my and my younger brother to stay the weekend in the Talladega infield, back when they had the July race. Let me tell you, I have seen some shit that has stayed with me in my almost 40 years on earth.
When I was younger, my dad used to take my and my younger brother to stay the weekend in the Talladega infield, back when they had the July race. Let me tell you, I have seen some shit that has stayed with me in my almost 40 years on earth.
I live in Tennessee, and sure, why not actively try to make things as shitty as possible? We’re already on that timeline anyway, amirite?
I see what you mean. I think I’m more worried about the Dems time-tested propensity for, as you said, shooting themselves in the foot. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They’ve never seen an opportunity they couldn’t waste.
I like your optimistic take, but it’s still early and I’m on the fence as to how successful we’ll ultimately be.
I’m convinced they are the Lannisters of the current US administration.
Ton of fucking trolls shitting up this article. #teamnobody
I was reading a WaPo daily about all the Dems who are eschewing Senate runs in order to eye Presidential campaigns, and it just struck me how unhelpful all this is. We have a metric shit-ton of Pres candidates, what we need are good, viable candidates to win a Senate majority. But sure, let’s dump more fuel on this…
Agreed. So at some point, I’m gonna voluntarily subject myself to a screening of this Sonic movie. If I die, I die. *shrug*
Fuck it. I give up. I know this is the darkest timeline, but I’m just gonna go with it from now on.
Insert Fry-I’m-SHOCKED meme here.