
they're all about science unless it's about climate change or evolution.

you said it not me :3

it is the nature of faith to be impervious to evidence. Countering evidence just makes people believe harder.

Well yeah, there were many reasons for Kolibri, mostly political - the SA was useful street thugs but when Hitler got into power they became a liability when he needed the army on his side. But the Roehm-led SA did have a reputation for being very accepting of homosexuals, how many brownshirts were actually gay

The pink triangles got the worst treatment of all the camp inmates, some of the hardest labor, and even the other prisoners abused them. There's always a pecking order and they were at the very bottom of it.

Ernst Roehm and the SA is well documented, try "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by Shirer. The fundie revisionist history claiming all Nazis were gay (and by implication, all gays are Nazis) is found in the odious shitpile "The Pink Swastika" by Scott Lively, which I can almost guarantee you this Fitzpatrick

Oh yeah. The Russians and Eastern Europeans were not at all kind to the Jews either after the war.

I recommend Nicholson Baker's "Human Smoke" as a good account of what the runup to "the good war" was like. tldr version: there's no such thing as a good war.

standard fundie doctrine is that the Nazis WERE homosexuals, using the example of Ernst Roehm, conveniently forgetting all about the night of the long knives. The early SA had a few gay dudes but it's hard to tell how much was propaganda and how much was fact. Roehm was definitely gay though and was killed for it by

When I was a Lego-maniac kid in the 70s, my definitely-not-rich parents griped about the cost of Lego all the time. But nothing else had the quality. It was an early lesson for me in certain things being worth the cost.

TOTALLY. I rocked the fire barrels. They were a key strategy in taking out several of the Legendaries.

we learned nothing from horse_ebooks apparently. None of these "weird" things are worth paying attention to, it's always some marketing fuck.

I automatically assume shit like this is some viral marketing bullshit from the start for some crappy movie or video game or "art project". And see, it worked, it got you writing about it!

Indirectly kill via exposing them to deadly diseases, then.

that's the worst thing about antivaxxers - they would rather their own children die than be autistic. They are THAT FRIGHTENED of autism that they would actually rather their children die of a preventable disease in horrible pain than run the risk of being even a little autistic. EVEN though that risk is completely

Ah, the suburbanite rightwinger's view of public transit, that it's just one constant festival of muggings and public urination. They know it's true, they saw it in a movie from 1979! Fear! Fear! oh my god a BLACK GUY might get on the train and be all black at me!! I'm a skeert! Fucking pansies living in

the entire flamewar in the comments above is the saddest thing i've read on the internet this week

here is why. a two person indie team is not ubisoft. they do not have teams of artists and modelers and Maya and Zbrush licenses. games that look like binfinite or codblops cost millions of dollars, even with modern engines. 3d modelling and animation that looks decent costs a ton of money and time and skills,

Now playing

An anime girl pasted onto a Roomba isn't what I was expecting. But if they're going to give something like this a cute personality go all the way:

I'm not mad at the reporting of the story, I'm mad at the horrible people who did this.