
I heard it was originally intended to be a physical boardgame, but it would have been too difficult to include all the stuff in the box.

as long as it stopped at Reagan and didn’t include any more recent presidents.

apropos of nothing, I salute your username sir. one hopes your nemesis does not spoil the proceedings

He's being scouted by the Browns.

I want to live in this world. I love all the monochromatic color coordination.

then there's the "dry martini" which is just a glass of gin

This is the same people as occupy wall street, chief. This and Occupy Sandy were two offshoots of OWS that did a lot of good and are still running.

Because of browser preloading, that doesn't provide any bandwidth saving.

Ghost Rider and Punisher were pretty crap too. It hasn't all been gems from Marvel Studios.

Canuck born and raised here. Timmies does kinda suck, but it's part of who we are as Canadians. Tim Hortons on a cold winter's morning is just one of those things you have to grow up with.

the craziness here is his parents, not him.

because maybe it shouldn't be that way? maybe by showing what it really looks like it might make someone else reconsider?

From old SNPP reviews of all time classic shows, USENET of the time agreed with you. They were the inspiration for CBG's "worst. episode. ever."

seriously, everything's toxic to dogs now. when did that happen? dogs literally eat anything they can get their mouths on.

If Jodorowsky's Dune had been made, it would have been a legendary box office bomb and remembered today as a piece of batshit 70s kitsch along the lines of Flash Gordon. But the documentary was fascinating and Jodo is amazing.

Ikea branding is so great. I love these.

When I was a kid in Canada there was an entire supermarket chain that sold only generic products, all with plain yellow packaging and black Helvetica Bold. That probably got me started.

I like those sweet yellow AA batteries! Where'd he get those? I love unbranded or minimally-branded versions of basic household items, cans that say COLA on them, etc.

In an alternate universe not too far from our own, this woman is President of the United States.

That was the Americans United for World Organization, a pro-UN group from the late 40s who were very much on the left politically. When the McCarthyites and Birchers (what we'd now call teabaggers) railed against "one-worlders" and "the UN", that's who they are thinking of.