
Director of American Hustle, David O. Russell groped his transgender niece, but was not charged due to "lack of evidence". Woody Allen is a confirmed pedophile. Not even mentioning fucking Roman Polanski. Here, let's ladle out honors and lifetime achievement awards.

Is Season 4 ever going to show up on Netflix so I can catch up before watching Season 5?

I don't even know why it's got zombies in it, it seems more like a griefer playground than anything else

all my best to the athletes etc. but I am skipping Sochi this year for many reasons

agreed. The UK version had an awesome first season and then went right off the rails. Let's see if this does better.

Where kinks overcome consent is where they become a problem. But ONLY THEN. If someone is turned on by something like, say, nazi uniforms, they just have to find someone else who consents. Which is why there's so many ridiculously specific dating sites. before the internet people like that had to live quietly alone

hey let's have a big ol' round of kink-shaming! Time to dig up our best Nope gifs. The TV producers are kink-shaming them and we're kink-shaming them! Shame shame shame! How awful these people, so awful that they literally hide their faces with masks, they're so ashamed! We'd better avoid them, as another commenter

I did call it a Gadsden flag. And I often thought that if you want to come across as a trustworthy political movement, using a literal snake in the grass as your symbol is maybe not a great idea, but nobody ever accused teabaggers of thinking things through.

"We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows." - I wonder how many people in america quietly (or vocally) agree with that statement.

CA's Prop 8 was five years ago, there's been a major sea change since then. I do not appreciate the "blacks did it! Those guys! Over there! Get 'em!" attempt by the right to divide our communities. Homophobic whites in power are far worse for gays than black voters or any "cultural" bias, which is fading quickly

I saw a metal-mesh envelope with a similar idea not long ago, but it wasn't available in red white and blue, tacticool black or teabagger yellow.

to Glenn Beck's septuagenarian demographic, *I* am a magical wizard.

Put more flags, gold, eagles and Don't Tread On Me snakes on it and you've got a winner.

More hilarious is the huge ad for the "Privacy Case" smartphone case with tasteful Gadsden flag motif. What is it, a faraday cage? Does it prevent you from using the phone?

or.. the auto shops in los santos

Selma, 1954: You guys, if we just rename the back of the bus to the Diversity Bus, problem solved!

Hell to the yes, I can't wait to go Django Unchained on a bunch of slavers. Looking forward to this DLC.

Of course they have, and Bioshock Infinite seems to say that it's an inevitable occurrence.

No, Bioshock Infinite is a treatise on how the oppressed underclass will rise up and destroy civilization if the oppressive overclass takes their boot off their necks for even a second. It JUSTIFIES the racism and oppression of the Columbians by presenting the Vox Populi as even worse. At least with the Columbians