And who the F likes Lena? Do you KNOW feminists? I talked about fem as a kid in school-yes got bullied-and even went to Parliament about it. Do not EVER call that b*tch that f*cked over the rest of Destiny's child a fem. Just don't.
And who the F likes Lena? Do you KNOW feminists? I talked about fem as a kid in school-yes got bullied-and even went to Parliament about it. Do not EVER call that b*tch that f*cked over the rest of Destiny's child a fem. Just don't.
Because a bleach face blonde wig wearing b*tch who uses sex to sell to make her and her thug husband money IS feminism??!! No wonder so many of us crave the Lupita's of this world…regardless of our skin color. FACT.
She has NEVER called her self a fem. Don't look at some product BS. Show me the RECEIPTS. Nina Simone would be spinning in her grave at you black women supporting a bleached faced blonde wig wearing capitalist who worships her bullying husband who NO ONE likes in that industry. WTF??!!
I don't think he would like to be called an r&b album….but aaaaaaaaanyway.