A. Torrence

Does it bother anyone else that Maureen's swollen eye prosthetic seems lower than it should be?

I'm so ready to buy this series like, yesterday.

No problem. I'm like Carol — I can take it. :)

Sorry. Couldn't help myself. I'll stop.

"I wonder who those guys in hockey pads are."
I'm sure this was mentioned somewhere in the thread, but it's gotta be…

That was some bullshit right there. I am not happy.

Oof. Please never have J. B. Smoove on the Talking Dead ever again.

In the lead up to the season, I thought it was such a smart idea to have these fake "infotainment stories" about Kermit taking up with a new pig, have them appear on ET or wherever, to garner interest in the show. Too bad they never really used Denise much more than that. I admit though, I want Kermit and Piggy back

Yay, Tom's back, blah, blah blah. I felt like his appearance, while sweet, stole some of the thunder from the Carson's wedding, which… displeased me.

I agree with the review, and even though I tended to give Gaga a break for her foray into acting, I thought her Golden Globe win over Kirsten Dunst for "Fargo" was heinous.

Yeah, I know. I'm a cheap bastard though. But I agree, I'm pretty sure it'd be worth it.

So, I regrettably missed season 1, but after having fallen in love with this season, I'm wondering — where can I check out the first season? Is HULU the only place?

I'd never heard of "The Nightmare" before, so I just though I'd click on the link above to check it out. Big mistake. HUGE.

Ho. Lee. Shit. I know they're a lot of haters on this show, but that shit was intensely orchestrated.
Headed to the kitchen for my 5th glass of wine…

Not sure if anyone ever watches those special features on the AMC website, but there's a "Making Of" clip showing the scene where Jessie cuts up the wolf woman, and you can hear the director, Jennifer Lynch yell, "One more in the eye!" That was awesome.

That was outstanding. I spent most of the episode terrified that one of the Alexandrians would mistake Carol for a Wolf and off her. Thank God that didn't happen.

"Snitch Bitch" reminded me of "Drip Drop" a little — rhythm wise.

sigh. You're probably right, Jordan.

I'm sure this has been mentioned — haven't read all of the comments, but though I'm still rooting for this show, I'd love a few minutes of a radio broadcast, or a few stolen seconds of television reports. I mean, I'd REALLY love that.

I like the pacing so far, considering it’s still quite early. But one thing I can’t let go of is the “theme music." One thing I’ve always appreciated about TWD is that title song and the feel of urgency it imparts. For me, FTWD’s title is barely more than an extended sound effect. I wish they could take that song that