
Cotton, whose face just looks like it’s calling me the N-word...

I’ve always found baked peanut butter turns powdery and kind of weirdly flavoured.

Only issue, Davis making lots of guaranteed cash. I dont see Hyde there next year. Im curious what Angelos decides on Davis next year, let’s be fair, he suxs at batting and probably doesnt belong in Majour Legaues, send him down for awhile for confidence building. If he cannot play well in Triple A, then I say he

If meat is good, it’s a crime to drown it in sauce*. Compound butter is delicious but I think my favorite steak is just rubbed in salt and pepper and cooked in a lot of butter.

Yeah, I heard a story once about Mark Cavendish almost getting dropped by the British national program as a junior because he had the lowest VO2 Max on the team.

Adjust the bootie for a snug fit. Repeat, and give treats, as needed.

Mookie Betts Finally Strikes Out

Fultz: When do you think I can play again, doc?

Hi Leo.

The DBacks do have a claim under their agreement that the County hasn’t properly funded the maintenance of the stadium. And under the agreement and Arizona statute they had to notice and pursue their claim against the County within a certain period of time. But the way the team gone about it has been an unmitigated

Bags would be a great move for Derrick Rose. He’d absolutely tear up the ACL.

Shut up about the Paris Agreement already!!!!

big idiot’s beef

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.

Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.

His lawyer is even trying to get him off on this one too!

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

That ball was always in hell, it just relocated from one part of 2017 America to another.

I wonder if Ty Cobb will throw it back?