
Then again, Van Halen seems to draw well enough.

In retrospect I feel like the Crash series was pretty underrated (at least the Naughty Dog games).

I remember some old 90s CD-ROM made a playable version of that boxing game homer played against Bart as well as a few other games

Macgruber much?

I love the scene where Cage is jumping and crying, someone tries to talk to him and he attacks that person.

Being named Bob and asked if I've heard of this film, this movie is the bane of my existence.

You have a point. I'd like to think given more than six episodes it could have transcended that though.

"Apparently, 2 Skinnee J's were the "most successful nerd-core rappers!" Who knew? smile emoticon
I always thought we would have been big in Japan.
Google Alerts are fun..!

First thing I thought of when I read his quote.

i was on the fence leaning toward "not an act," but when he did the seinfeld impression, she joked that it was cosby he was doing and then he said "no, seinfeld," I decided he really was clueless.

"I shot a man just to watch him die. Then I got distracted and I missed it."

Are you actually the Ghost of Eazy E?

Coultrain has been living on the edge of a breaking out of the St. Louis scene for years now.

Yeah, I need to remember to go to the actual site instead of just reading from disqus. Thanks!

I'd never heard any of this. Where can I read about this? Both the concept and ending are magnificent. Wasn't Morrison bigger than Millar at that time too?

I never heard about this. Does that explain Red Son?

Dear Miller, please don't ruin Azzarello.

Ahhh. But did that series really happen? Madsen can't trust that IMDB you know.