You spoiled the ending of the movie in the middle of the review without any warning at all. Not only is that completely unprofessional, it’s just a dick move.
You spoiled the ending of the movie in the middle of the review without any warning at all. Not only is that completely unprofessional, it’s just a dick move.
He probably has a financial advisor. I suggest he switches.
I hope he beats this
*Richie Incognito throws his father’s arms up in disgust*
That’s Miss Chanandler Bong.
You mock this, but is there anything more American than a website that primarily utilizes underpaid contractors, using a Women’s team victory to give props to Ms. Chanadelor Bong?
It may be the MOST American thing.
If waiters gave a six minute time limit for making a decision, my wife would never eat again. HAHAHAHA!
One thing I hate about writers is when they write something that causes a swift and broad backlash, and their defense is “You misunderstood what I meant,” as if that is a valid defense for a person whose job it is to convey ideas to third-parties via the written word. I write for a living, and if someone who is…
Donald tried to read this article, but he didn’t make it past “Craft Service”.
Oof, I can already imagine the Dead Letters on this one. Gary is going to really lay into you from his Nextel i580 powered by PrimeCo.
LOL who gives a fuck
Yup they would get in the elevator and say nothing to you and just wait for you to push the a button close to their floor. Cheaters!
Just like Magic in the 90's, looks like no one wants to go near him.
It may seem like Kyrie is contradicting himself but it’s like the old saying goes, “There’s two sides to every planet.”
The worse thing to happen to Dan Snyder is that Skins fans are apathetic.
Wow! Thanks for the life lesson, Dad. I never realized that human beings have individual personalities. Thanks for telling me that!