StJames Jesse

Yeah, I had forgotten this moment of the conversation when he says that he knows it and prefer to ignore it and that he want to prove himself and everyone that he was able to have a relationship.

You are right in point 1 and 2. Kevin talked about the things what happened with Jon like it haven't any importance, and they have it…. And yes, it's most of Patrick's fault, he wanted to believe and he left himself be manipulate by Kevin.
I don't understand either why they went to bed together after the fight.

Totally, I want to think in the deep he knew everything wasn't as perfect as it seemed, but he would rather put those thoughts aside and go ahead with everything.

Yeah, all's fair on a fight like the one they were having.

Yeah, he was really mad. Like why the hell have you to bring him to this conversation?

it's hard to trust in someone like Kevin, IMO is the problem with start a relationship from cheating, I couldn't trust completely on the other person. It seems that Patrick didn't have this problem until last night episode.

Yeah, after all Kevin played with Patrick like a violin during all his relationship, of course Patrick leaving him to do it. That's why I can't dismiss Patrick giving a chance to Kevin idea of open relationship. I am still not sure if Patrick knows what he really want or not.

Great episode¡ The fight between them was mesmerizing, lol. I don't know why after all they went to bed together, If I was Patrick, I'd have leave….. And the ending was really good too, simple but powerful. And love Agustin and Eddie. Who would say that a lot of people love Agustin after last season? LOL
Now I want

jajaja, I don't know, lol. It's only my speculation ;)

They yes, we probably not, lol.

I red they have two different endings and they'll airs one of them depending if is season finale or series finale. I don't know if this is true.
I wonder if this is series finale, will Patrick and Kevin get their happy ending after all?

I remember him telling he felt bad for himself, not for Jon. And he broke up after months with Kevin, this time he didn't feel like a homewreker??

Yes, I am so dissapointed with that.
Raul Castillo is the only person who get a rise in his job, instead he has to work less hours, lol

Patrick wasn't as nervous as he was last year and in that episode both were nervous, Richie too because he knew he isn't the kind of guy that Patrick's waspy mother likes. And Kevin, he clearly is not ashamed of what they did and he is pretty sure of himself, so why he has to be nervous?
Anyways like some other poster

Imo Patrick hasn't felt bad to be a homewrecker in any moment, so this isn't a problem for him.

Like mother, like son. What a surprise she likes Kevin, Patrick wasn't so wrong after all when he was sure his mother wouldn't like Richie.

Because he was ashamed of Richie, nothing that he says could calm Patrick of the terror he felt to present to his family a poor mexican barber without expectations (Patrick's literal words to his mother) on the other hand Kevin is the perfect sucessfull white man he has fantasized he and his mother will love, why has

I think the same, but every time I said that, people kill me telling how good are JG and RT together and that Patrick and Richie doesn't have any chemistry. I personally think Jonathan has good chemistry with everyone. But just only the way Richie and Patrick looks to each other…..wooow

Yes, amonst other things this show has an outstanding acting, amazing cinematography and a love for taking care of even the smallest details.

I read somewhere they filmed 2 different endings for the finale and they'll air the one according if is the season finale or the end of the show. I wonder if we'll find the fate of the show there or before that.