i had a twin bed until i got my mom's hand-me-down full sizebed when i was 20 or so.
i had a twin bed until i got my mom's hand-me-down full sizebed when i was 20 or so.
my thoughts exactly.
i don't understand why everyone doesn't do this.
i've never done it.
i'm a recent grad so i'm just starting to build up some savings. i'm getting married next year so my savings account is marked for the wedding, but it doubles as an emergency fund. i'm set to start making decent money in september so my plan is to set up an official emergency fund then. additionally there are two…
somehow i doubt the officials in that area will be keen on arming these women.
the first time i attempted a running toe start i fell straight down and caught a wheel up my ass. it was purple for about a week.
it happens more regularly than you would think. sometimes you fall straight down and catch your own wheel, other times someone baseball slides into you, sometimes it's just a massive pileup of limbs. they're called giner shiners.
my AA took me three years to get through, and finishing my BA took me another three years. i've worked since i was 16. grad school was easier financially because i qualified for a lot of grants, so i could drop down to working part time.
Damn my rutgers degree! it is useless!!
aw, it's ok. it south jersey we don't acknowledge that central jersey exists, so i really can't get that upset.
sometimes i wonder if i missed out on dating, since i've been with the same guy for nearly all of my adult life. then i read stuff like this.
i like to pretend that when people make jokes about new jersey what they actually meant to say was "north jersey". it spares this piney's feelings.
eh, i have roller derby practice twice a week, i run in the woods two or three times a week, and on off days i do yoga/light strength training. i've kind of gotten into a groove without going to the gym. thanks, though!
i'm reading the comments over at gawker about reduced lunch and running into the same issue.
excellent, thanks. i have super weak arms so i've been using light weights and resistance bands to build up some amount of strength, but i think my wrists have been keeping me from being able to do proper push ups since i can plank fairly well but once weight goes on my wrists i crumble pretty quickly.
sorry, i thought we were making jokes about things fat haters say.
i started out by getting a rough idea of what i wanted to do (ex. work with high-risk kids). then i looked at my skill set/credentials (x education, y amount of experience, z amount of special training). then i looked at the minimal amount of money i needed to make. then i applied for everything that matched those…
thanks. i've got carpal tunnel, and while exercising has relieved the pain, pushups seem to have a nasty effect on it.
i had such a crush on mike chang i think it started to concern my fiance.