i want to give your dad a hug now.
i want to give your dad a hug now.
EVERYTHING about Bowling for Soup is embarassing!
i kind of sort of checked them out in high school but wasn't really into them. then again, i hated every band i just listed in high school so it might be time to give them a second listen.
my god, imagine the hate sex.
who's gonna post the boondocks clip? come on, i know it's coming.
i listen to all my guilty pleasure pop punk bands from the 90's and early 2000's when i run. good charlotte, green day, newfound glory, the offspring, no doubt, bowling for soup....it's really embarassing, honestly. i mean there's some cool stuff on there too like mischief brew and the clash, but terrible pop punk…
yeah....stupid out of shape people just...excercising....like they're trying to better themselves or something....dumbasses. let's go laugh at them for trying to get healthier!
agreed 100%
my dog has startling emotional intelligence. she can figure out which houseguest will let her get away with the most, cuddle her the most, or give her food. she knows which people aren't dog people and will be beautifully behaved for them until they have no choice but to love her. if i come home in a slightly sad mood…
I'm with you on the teeth, but I'd like to take you on a tour of my little pocket of south jersey to show you some class-distinctive accents.
i just want to throw this out there. If you are in a parking lot, street, or any public area and it is night time and there isn't really anyone nearby, just don't talk to the woman. please? you could be the sweetest, scrawniest, least intimidating man alive and the woman is likely going to be panicked by your…
i don't go to the gym, but i run in my neighborhood. one time a guy i'd passed/ran near a few times in the last few months looked my up and down and said, "wow! you're really improving!" i am quite sure he wasn't hitting on me, but i was so excited about the compliment that if he hit on me shortly afterwards i would…
i really want you to read this closely, ok?
I'm ALIVE! Also, I ate another salad today without washing it. Livin' on the edge!
that's crazy. i went to a state university and i needed at least a 3.0 to graduate, and anything below a C+ didn't count towards graduation.
he sounds so cute.
that's what i do, anyway, and my ass has quite the fan club.
Amen. i'm so sick of that. every time someone says, "oh i love how you have curves instead of being some anorexic bitch" i feel like the moment my back is turned they're going to be flattering another woman while making fun of my fat ass. it's not helping anyone!
i love that shark week is catching on.
wipes are more portable, and i wouldn't want to reuse my damp period washcloth.