
Good intentions pave the road to hell etc etc etc but what matters here is that Slave Tetris is super tasteless. Countless lives lost to the Middle Passage, lost to the bottom of the sea, lost to disease, starvation, impossibly cramped quarters, and the makers of this thing wanted to gamify the experience? Wanted to

No, no, they just heard Aladdin wrong. You’re only in trouble if you get caught. You’re still cheating.

Uh - that’s the same thing as saying that you haven’t really murdered anyone as long as you don’t get caught. That’s sophistry. Cheating is cheating whether you get caught or not.

Jesus fuck, people, it's a fucking skit, not a political statement. No, it's not funny, but calm your dicks.

Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.