
Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

Pretty fitting - between Whiplash and Bleed for This, ‘carry on after a car crash’ is sort of his schtick. Glad everyone is okay!

There’s not a lot of “unslant” you can do with Trump. He says stupid, terrifying stuff all the time. There is no way to interpret this other than a desire for an arms race.

I see it as an editorial decision meant to puncture your bubble. This is a big deal, and you handwave it as “bias.” Sad!

You snowflakes and your safe spaces. Nut up, you whiny ass titty baby.

Guy reads story about the world potentially ending... complains about it after clicking on it.

Let me ask you a question: when you go to church do you want to watch porn? Oh no? 

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

“I shouldn’t have to not click,” this is your level of entitlement and understanding of how the Internet works? It becomes clearer everyday how Trump got elected.

Maybe you need to go find another safe space.

You shouldn’t have to NOT click on something? Holy shit you’re an idiot.

But you do give a shit. That’s what all the butthurt commenting and cursing is about; you giving a shit about having to see an article you don’t like.

Can they also make a way to filter out all the comments complaining about political articles?

I feel like most things, inadvertently, have an anti Trump message.

Okay, so you can stick with your blind faith, I’ll keep encouraging people to investigate and/or call others out on things they clearly have no clue about, especially when it deals with braying about national security in public.

This is probably one of the guys who thought “Rogue one” had a secret anti-Trump message. If evil space nazis remind you of the guy you voted for, you may have made a mistake

Relax? When the president-elect is an idiot with the attention span and ability to convey nuanced positions of a 10 year old? Nope.

My big concern is that Trump doesn’t understand that nuclear weapons are never meant to be used. We maintain our nuclear arsenal, their delivery and command and control systems to deter nuclear attacks from other countries or non-state actors. Their purpose is to create in the mind of a potential nuclear aggressor the