
I don’t mean to seem heartless but anyone who willingly voted for Trump while having access to television and/or the internet deserves be forced to suffer through the policies he pushes through.

Honestly, I don’t think they do. Either that or it’s like with my parents, rabid Republicans who live off of my dad’s disability/SS and have free healthcare from the state. They truly believe they deserve it (whatever the hell that means) and everyone else is the problem.

Oh my god, I am so with you. My sister and I have responded in opposite ways to the tragedy of Trump’s election. I’ve retreated from the world entirely, and she’s jumped head first into non-stop advocacy efforts on all fronts. Every couple days, she’ll post something on social media about how her concern and

Exactly. It was shown time and again that Trump is a liar and a fraud. Yet they voted for him anyway. People who voted for him deserve what they get. Or won’t be getting in this case. The rest of us tried to stop it.

I read an article in the Washington Post the other day that mentioned a woman and her husband, who both get health insurance through Obamacare. The husband is on the list for a liver transplant. They both voted for Trump. And the wife was like, “Wait, he’s really going to cut Obamacare? I thought that was just talk!

Literally every Trump voter:

Trump buyers remorse is another media construction, like Donald’s business empire and Hillary’s corruption. Living in the land of the deplorables, there’s no regret even though it’ll be the first area to fall apart once Trump’s policies take hold.

As terrifying as this whole thing, the schadenfreude I get from seeing supporters’ eyes open about how they were conned has been beautiful. Just beautiful.

Thin skinned crybabies are so triggered when they hear Happy Holidays. They need to go back to their goddamn Christmas safe spaces.

I’ve been saying happy holidays forever, because it covers the entire spectrum of holidays, including New Years. People need to get the fuck over themselves.

That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

As a guy that’s been in a sling for 4 weeks after shoulder surgery, that inexperienced girl is becoming quite experienced.

Nah, that’s “The Inexperienced Girl.”

Take level: quite hot.

“You’ve got to appreciate your hands while you have them, Odell! You never know when you’ll wake up one Fifth of July and they’ll be [mostly] gone.” - teammate Jason Pierre Paul

Poor Tiff Maples. She heard that there were Tiffany signs around Trump Tower and got so excited her daddy was finally recognizing her - then she found out they were from a jewelry store.

You guys got Trump. We get the Switch. Fair trade?

10:1 she drives a 90s Nissan Altima with dents in every panel and curb rash on all 4 wheels. Based on my experience with their owners. If instead it was a male who did this, I would bet that he drove a Dodge Ram.

Hearing a question to Marleau about Hertl and whether he was showboating, Thornton said:
“Shut up, have you ever played the game?”

When the press turned his way, he then added:
“I’d have my cock out if I scored four goals. I’d have my cock out, stroking it.”