I looked at the HGST Touro drive, and in the description and specs on Newegg, it claims to only be 5400RPM. Is there another model, or is this post incorrect?
That would appear to be the Turismo R fitted with a spoiler. It's pretty badass, as you can see.
The ROF is actually pretty terrible. The Universal Remote perk is supposed to greatly extend the effective range while ADS, and my blue shotty still has better range. Even in PVE, you have to be right on top of someone to get a 1 shot kill, and more than 3m is more like 2-3 while ADS. Bad Juju sucks as well, but the…
I have the Universal Remote, with the flagship perk unlocked, and it is utterly disappointing. Even zoomed in, I don't have the range that my blue Suros shotgun has. I'm shocked that it wasn't buffed in this patch. Oh wait, I'm not, because Bungie.
I couldn't agree more! I was not impressed with the previews I had seen, and never really cared for Bungie, but the beta made me want to run out and pre-order. It's something different and it's a lot of fun. Try dancing while taking a territory in COD!
Isn't it illegal to hold someone liable for sleep toots?
Wait, are women supposed to grow out of that?
8-year-olds, dude.
"I do, however, watch my own porn and masturbate. It's similar to watching a private sex tape and reliving the memory."
Body shame much? Also, he could be a grower not a shower. I never thought my life would come to defending Adam Levine, but as a 1 inch grinch myself, looks can be quite deceiving.