Have Jeep, will travel.

Can you list some of those faults? I've had the same model for 2 years/44K miles, and though slightly rattly, I've never had any kind of problems with it.

My B5 Passat traumatized me so much I bought a Honda.

I think the only one that doesn't get it here is you. Please stop.

Mustangs aren't really that special.

contrary he's well liked and he's shook up the automotive journalism. I myself and many others like it. Rock on Mr. Clarkson. However people who do not like it are the the bosses at places like VW and other markets they do not like the exposure he's given them and their brands so Im sure there has been a push to get

Agreed.I just refuse to believe those cars were crushed after their accidents.

1951 Tempo Matador. Don't ask, lucky.

surely someone bought those salvaged customer cars. They are out there. no matter how destroyed they were,i bet someone put those cars back together.

Now playing

Did they get an air-unworthiness certificate?

Not sure...

A modern Gladiator based on the Ram line would be interesting.

I love the Jeep Moab concepts! Last year I was just driving down the road, minding my own business when I see this beautiful thing in front of me. Obviously I pulled into the station behind him and snapped a couple pics.

A modern Cherokee Chief? Yes please.

I want a Forward Control double cab with portal axle:

This. I'm so sick of this sanctimonious horsehshit on here. Whine and complain about the "lack of connection or feel" in street legal factory cars, but then when ANYONE dares to drive spiritedly, it's posted on here and roasted by a bunch of people who apparently drive just under the speed limit everywhere they go,

The ONLY idiots are those going too fast to stop safely and easily in the distance they can see on a public highway.

Or GM sticking an Isuzu engine in one of theirs.

"You saw mom? How was she?"

Stress can make people snap over the weirdest, most trivial shit. I have seen some one literally crying over spilled milk.