Have Jeep, will travel.

There was a Porsche shop that burned down last year or so that had a bunch of rare cars, this it’s probably the remnants.

Did you not see the 356 cab and the 914 in the background of your pictures???????????

Filed under “no shit"

Nobody gives a shit in this bracket. Since when have sticker posted averages been accurate anyway? I buy a 3/4 to 1 ton truck to tow my 4500 pound jeep, on a 1500 pound trailer, carrying friends in the cab, along with three friends of gear, a weeks worth of supplies in 4wd down a fucked up road, the last thing I give

That V8 is rare, and corroded like crazy. Finding a replacement is something only BMW could do, or MAKE a replacement from what I heard. Elvis was awesome, but I would probably ditch the small block too and put it back to showroom. I would keep the leather that elvis touched in a plastic bag if I wanted nostalgia for

Oh and this is at least the SECOND Lambo totalled this weekend. A baby blue one was ruined on PCH in Huntington Beach yesterday too showing off and ran into a bunch of parked cars an a curb.....

Two kids in one seat, so what. Driving like a jack ass is a different story, atleast crazy enough to end up like this on its lid. I like how everyone freaks out about it.

When you’re old enough to be your mother inlaw’s father.........

I think the biggest miss in this article is not only does the new 6th gen car have more power, but its also lighter. The 5th gen car was a beast. I think I will wait until this car is out. I’m currently tossing the idea of a lightly used ZL1. Once this is out they will be cheaper. 580 HP is a good start for me.

Go back to Gawker. Jalopnik is to Tesla, as CNN is to Hillary Clinton.

Looks like overly sensitive owner to me.

I honestly wouldn’t care.

You don’t hang around here, do you?

Teslopnik, or how Elon Musk bought a bunch of bloggers from the Gawker/Nick Denton bankruptcy sale.

Well, you already know that answer. If you have a HELOC that has a good line of available cash then you should be fine.

Yeah but removing emissions equipment a federal crime.

Yet here you are! Responding to me. Haha. Oh yes, I’m very sad. I cry myself to sleep every night. Boo hoo, my life is so pathetic and sad because some moron thinks so. How will I ever live!?!?!?! Please tell me more of my flaws and inner struggle. You know me so well my dear friend. Oh, the cruel irony of life, and

Nah, I stick around to annoy fuck tards like yourself! Its a cheap hobby.

My moms of the era where big car meant safe car. She was fine with it once I explained how safe it was and she watched a comparison of crash tests of newer and older cars. She loves it. Hauls her stuff and friends around, gets insane mileage. She thought $17k was a lot of money for a car.....

Death rides a pale horse