@Eric Merrill: 1954 =/= 1944
@Eric Merrill: 1954 =/= 1944
@oyumurtaci: He's probably feeling a little sheepish right now
@equinox92: FWIW, at the end (10:13) of the video is a light sign that says "Patron Champs 2009"
@b33g33: And it is a female.
In comparison, there is the Malawian kid who built a windmill from scraps and supplied power to his house: [news.bbc.co.uk]
@LaziestManOnMars: The fact that it is way denser means that it took much more lumber equivalent stuff to fill the same volume.
@472CID: Mt. Elbrus is in the Caucus Range, not the Alps: [en.wikipedia.org]
@coryd: The bus and taxi drivers are drunk.
And why does this make you a bad drinker?
The 1982 forest green Dodge Aries sedan with the back windows that didn't roll down.
@TPL2008: This
@Alfisted: I didn't know they made an e85 mom.
@spiegel1: You must now choose the form of Gozer, destroyer of worlds.
@spiegel1: I am right there with you
@pj134: So it was. I think I was around here back then, but not everyday. I guess he recovered okay then.
@pj134: I missed that somehow back in April, damn that looks painful.
@RadioFlyerPartDeux: WHY DID YOU TURN?!
@RadioFlyerPartDeux: Why is water wet?