
Fuck you Tom Ley. If that's how you feel, why don't you go write for Gawker, where you can successfully group-think your way into mass approval of your shitty opinion on how much a person's earnings deserve to be his?

The Internet needs you to continue exposing Gregg Easterbrook for the haughty dipshit he is. If the Internet can change the definition of 'santorum', surely you can help keep the term 'dipshit' next to his name and TMQ. THIS HAS TO KEEP HAPPENING

I don't necessarily know if he was exploiting them or not - I thought he did some kind of sports trivia at various bars with them, or something like that. They were a big part of his gig, but that's about all I remember. Never went to any of the 'trivia night' gigs.

My guess is someone (or something!) on Mars bought that album.

Because you're a dick?

Never mind, must have been the Gizmodo article.

Isn't this article a repeat? I could swear I've already read this story within the last year.

So...she went dressed up as Elizabeth Warren?

I believe you have the STL/MIA scores backward, bub.

I wish K&N would build a filtered desktop case.

Teaching is a secondary profession - by that, I mean the farmer, doctor, mechanic, etc. can teach what they know to those with lesser experience/knowledge. In a post-apocalyptic world you wouldn't necessarily need a full time teacher, unless they were teaching something essential, which most teachers can't even seem