Surge pricing is a way to pay drivers more when demand is high to get them off their butts and in the car. At it’s worst it’s still cheaper than a cab. This article is nonsense.
Surge pricing is a way to pay drivers more when demand is high to get them off their butts and in the car. At it’s worst it’s still cheaper than a cab. This article is nonsense.
It tells you the price when you enter the destination including surge. Who takes a 100 mile uber anyway? Regardless it’s still probably cheaper than a regular cab would be. I’ve taken hundreds of Ubers and the price has always been within one dollar of the estimate, as far as I know it’s been exactly the estimate…
Don’t have a fireplace and mount my TV high and angle it down slightly. Are you watching TV in a 19th century kitchen chair while taking old timey photos? Relax and the TV will be perfectly placed.
Maybe you don’t understand what I’m saying or we are looking at 2 different things. You understand that there are wheels that extend under the car past the center of gravity of the machine correct? Or at least I think there is meant to be. Think vertical boom lift, or even better, an engine hoist. Theoretically you…
The arms use the car to prevent it tipping into the street and the ground to prevent it tipping towards the car. No problem there except making the cantilever stiff enough to support the weight and still not too bulky to fit under the car or the lift so bulky that it protrudes into the street.
So flip it around. No reason the charge car needs a designated front and back is there?
Local encrypted password manager, backed up to multiple locations. No cloud bullshit. If the encryption is compromised you’ll know before anyone can access your local file.
Where would you consider the frozen north? I’ve lived in Minneapolis Minnesota my whole life and have never seen a single parking lot anywhere that has an outlet at every spot. I’ve lived in maybe a dozen buildings and obviously been to hundreds/thousands.
My ex worked for Hertz rental car and frequently drove the cars home and used them as personal vehicles. On occasion if she had a nice one I would take it for awhile.
And the navigation computer was programmed in metric. I don’t use the metric system, i don’t think in the metric system, but anyone with half a brain can see it’s far superior.
Arbitrary units that are then implemented in a logical manner, instead of in a drunken inbred manner.
Uh kinda is.
The cheese doesn’t melt enough this way, however if you grill your top bun like you should this solves the problem.
And the Supreme Court has never been wrong. “the people” used anywhere else in the founding documents means the people as a whole not individuals. I think individuals should have the right to keep and bear arms, but reading comprehension disagrees with my personal opinion, the way I read it the 2nd amendment does…
Well good thing definitions are made up from learned information and can be changed based on new information.
Yep. Read Your Own comment again but replace GM with Audi.
My wallet thanks you for your ignorance. Keep perpetuating this outdated myth and I will keep buying 100k+ Audi’s at great prices. Ive owned 4 Audis now over 15 years, driving a 09 Cayenne with 99k now, been to the shop for non regular repairs maybe 6 times in those 15 years with the most expensive repair being…
Sure you can. The Panamera gets better looking the longer you look at it, these get uglier, partly because they are rusting before your eyes, but mostly because they were designed that way.
You have never lived within 45 min of a major city then.
Well with me, like others in this thread, it’s difficult to stay asleep once becoming lucid.