Stink Horse

No worries man. We’ve all rushed to the aid of someone who looks like they’re getting dogpilled only to discover they we’re trying to explain how My Little Pony and Austrian Economics prove that Hitler was right or some shit.

I’m afraid I don’t believe in the notion of soft-censorship, so we’re probably not going to get very far, and I am truly sorry about that. I don’t often get cogent replies, let alone politeness, so at the very least let me thank you for being a metered human being on the internet, you’re doing God’s work.

Any chance we could up that to a tit hangar?

It’s important to note that the tastes of an audience shifting, and portions of that audience vocalizing their positions on that shift, even to the point where those positions are at an extreme like ‘please get rid of all of xyz’, is not censorship. It’s not even close. It’s an opinion. They have no way to force

The designs of the characters have been updated at the speed of a moving glacier. Just not by much, and not in any way detectable outside of a very few well funded labs with the correct instruments.


That’s some good due diligence there.

How many stars would you like today sir?

Took me a sec, but man that one is a winner.

Shit it’s that weird marijuana monster again!

Yeah that’s true, noses come in a very wide variety of shapes and sizes, and a good artist will try and include that variety in their work. However an artist also often has a “default face” that they’re super comfortable drawing, and more often than not it has their own facial proportions. It takes a lot of conscious

Hahaha, oh man that’s great! What did he say about finding dinosaur bones?!

Yeah that’s true. Flats, as we call them are very common out here in the north west, more so I’ve heard than the east coast, but I’ve not been there so that’s possibly hearsay (I’m willing to buy the notion myself). Each cemetery has its own rules regarding what can and can’t be done in different sections of their

Oh holy shit is that the litmus test? What did he say about handguns?!

Always check. Or learn how to spot the difference. It’s not that hard if you’re anal retentive.

This, continuously, for all time.

Thanks, I don’t get to use my job for anything other than an opener at parties most the time. Also, I’d get your post out of the gray but I’m in the same boat. I don’t even know how you do it these days.

Thank you for saving me the time and finger strain :D

No, my family always said the tradition was to wait a year before unveiling a headstone, but “pre-needs” are common in the death industry.

A 20x6x18" Classic Gray, P5, Serp-Top Tablet w/ cut in black letters in frosted panels, and shape-carved ‘wild’ roses.