Wish I could take credit for it, but I saw it down below somewhere. You know it will eventually become "CinnaGene" or Frostin' Jimmy or Doughy Gene, etc.
Wish I could take credit for it, but I saw it down below somewhere. You know it will eventually become "CinnaGene" or Frostin' Jimmy or Doughy Gene, etc.
I think it's the way he uses his eyes. He virtually never looks away or blinks. Like he's a jaguar waiting to rip your throat out the second you flinch.
Soooo frustrating (but enthralling) watching Jimmy make these choices and knowing they're going to eventually lead to him losing his job — but more importantly, losing Kim. Such a feeling of the inevitability of it. Jimmy just can't help himself. He loves being Slippin' Jimmy and always will. Cinnabon Gene looks so…
I agree. At the time, Cochran seemed nothing more than a slick hustler who was in it for the fame and $$. This is presenting him as a great and wise statesman in a purple suit.
IRL, Fred Goldman (Ron's father) was the only person who came out of this affair looking like a decent person. He was — and continues to be — a voice of outrage and grief about the murder of his son by OJ. The man has shown amazing endurance and strength. He will follow OJ to his grave. I'm glad this series is at…
Which is why I said it doesn't seem that old to me.
"I fucked Chuck." Nooooo!
Watching and admiring Jimmy scamming that scumbag investment counselor last week (and several shots of Zafiro Añejo) are what finally made Kim weak in the knees. Seems she likes Jimmy's bad-boy side — and being a little bad herself — but only peripherally maybe.
Agreed. He hasn't looked healthy for awhile. Maybe they're making him look older as part of his role, but I worry about Jonathan Banks being around for a lot longer. He's 69, but that doesn't seem that old to me now that I'm old. Heck, Abe Vigoda made it to 92.
Gotta believe the DEA would loooove to get their hands on a crooked lawyer and one of the only people left alive to pin any blame on for the Heisenberg Affair.
Agreed. Plus…. love Andrew Dice Clay as an actor (amazing in Blue Jasmine and way back to Crime Story). Plus… Juno Temple sans clothes. But this was a slog. Am I really not going to watch a Scorcese series?
Yeah, it's presenting him as the saintly moral center of the universe. I always assumed he was yet another B-list, LA, half-celebrity scumbag who loved attention. Nah. Can't be. Nobody's ever said that about a Kardashian.
Well… almost. LaVoy Finicum.
It sounds trite, but this entire disgusting, tragic, absurd affair really did change the entire culture in America when it was all said and done. This series really hammers that home.
I think Kanye might have some input on shoving Kardashian kids down Kimmy's throat. Ba-da-DUM!
IDK… I can imagine Shapiro being way more excited about saying "hi" to Hollywood super agent Mike Ovitz than having his own client blowing his brains out in Kimmy's room.
Guaranteed that at least one Kardashian will be begging Kanye not to kill himself in Kimmy's bedroom within the next 3-5 years.
Yeah. This show isn't being fair by presenting actual facts from the case. What?
700…. lol… Well, muscle does weigh more than fat.
Agreed. Travolta is great… makes Shapiro look like the smarmiest, vile scumbag imaginable.