I'm enjoying finding out a couple of new things — had no idea their two children were still in Nicole's house when OJ was on the stoop trying to saw her head off. Did not think I could hate him even more.
I'm enjoying finding out a couple of new things — had no idea their two children were still in Nicole's house when OJ was on the stoop trying to saw her head off. Did not think I could hate him even more.
Agreed. It feels made up. And since it shows three of the Kardashian sisters and the mom that makes OJ only the fifth most evil person in this series. Oops, forgot about Mr. Johnnie… so sixth most evil.
Love the scene where OJ threatens suicide in Kimmy's bedroom. How many other people have wanted to kill themselves after being in Kim Kardashian's bedroom? It's got to be in the tens of thousands by now.
Unwatchable for me. The dialogue was so bad we had to quit about 15 minutes in.
Oh duh. The Catbird Seat. I totally forgot that. Single tear…
OMG for a minute I thought Jim Beaver had died. Why no Ellsworth?
That, sir, is genius. In fact, why not require them to be hired together for every project from now on?
I might have felt them momentarily during the Breaking Bad finale.
Holy crap. I think I heard the sound of thunder, Mrs. Garrett.
Agreed. The Brendan Dassey coerced confession was a nearly exact copy of the coerced confession of the extremely developmentally delayed young man in the West Memphis Three case.
I thought one of the strangest issues from the entire series is the jury's initial vote — 7 not guilty, 2 guilty and 3 undecided. How does that eventually end in conviction? The dismissed juror said the two in favor of conviction were "very stubborn." I'd love to know how two people managed to convince another 10.…
Yeah. You're right. Duh on my part.
And he can still feel it.
I did. I kept thinking Lou was going to get shot in the hip at some point in the final episode and have is career ended, as he said in Season 1 happened to him. I assumed it was going to be Hanzee and then as we got near the end I assumed it would be Peggy who maybe pulled the de rigueur squad car shotgun (she seemed…
Yeah it worked great. Didn't want to come off sounding like a know-it-all. I just love that song.
The "Dakota Man" Fargo police chief idiot?
The "You're turfed" South Dakota state patrol chief idiot?
The Gerhardt cleaver-in-the-head hitman?
The one guy on the Blumquist basement stairs, the other guy brained with the sink, the pool-peeing cop? The list could go on. Do you mean Ricky G. from Buffalo?
"People of the earth" also the opening lyric of Billy Thorpe's "Children of the Sun" which was played at least twice during the series… most notably during the Rye Gearhardt/Fargo judge montage in the season opener.
Yeah, the fucking UFOs… never made it work. Close Encounters of the Coen Kind.
You are a smarter person than I (seriously). I should have ignored the entire exchange. Next time.