Gaear Grimsrud in 15 years with Carl Showalter at the wheel: "We stop at King of Breakfast Haus."
Gaear Grimsrud in 15 years with Carl Showalter at the wheel: "We stop at King of Breakfast Haus."
Are you the kind of person who immediately tries to insult somebody who has a different opinion than you rather than having a genuine discussion? Not enough of those on the Internet.
Thank you for your well-reasoned response (sincerely). I agree that overall the writing has been excellent.
Still love the show overall, but I completely agree about the aliens ex machina, flying saucer laziness of the writing. It was completely unnecessary to add that and stretches the viewer's suspension of disbelief necessary to enjoy almost any story beyond the breaking point.
LOL. Guilty as charged.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I've watched some twice too and there's so much I missed the first time. Boy is that rare when you get to enjoy a show twice.
Jeez I like your posts (seriously).
Whoa. That's good. A "familiar animal" or "supernatural spirit" (thanks Wiki). Have we seen any conspicuous birds or other possible familiar animals… the rhino maybe (another show title and Molly keeps drawing pictures of rhinos)?
Unappetizing? I've never loved her more than now in those amazing 70s bell-bottom slacks.
Ya. She's been seen a couple of times checking out Peggy's amazing behind in those perfect 70s bell-bottom slacks.
Small-town Minnesota boy for 27 years then moved away. Used to take the Greyhound to visit my grandma in Mobridge, SD in the 60s and 70s. Many white-owned establishments literally did not allow Native Americans in them back then. It was an ugly, ugly time.
Yeah, that and "Did you stab the hostage?" was the hardest I've laughed at a TV show since… Curb maybe.
Yeah, I said that too: "Look at those Georgia O'Keefe South Dakota hotel vaginas on the wall." They were a nice addition to Contance's candlelight, chablis lesbian love nest ambiance.
Not sure, but the Undertaker looked exactly like the picture of the original Gerhardt gangster (OG) paterfamiliar Deiter Gerhardt shown by the Brad Garrett character during his "Northern Expansion Prospectus" presentation to the Kansas City mob.
Best episode so far. The opening montage was astounding.
You are NOT a douche!
I can buy that Peggy drove home with a body in her windshield because she's "a little touched" (okay, waaaay more than a little) and because she doesn't want anything to get in the way of her "journey." But, you're right. Hank not checking on Peggy is just sloppy.
"perfect mix of not-too-bright, but super-determined"… every Minnesotan swede would be proud.
Alien ex machina stuff would really ruin the elegance of this story.
True. I don't think most of the world would even believe it if they saw how bad it is when it's 40 below.