Pretty thin skin to have already deleted my comment
Pretty thin skin to have already deleted my comment
Let me say this first, well done steak with ketchup is awful. But are you such a whiny ass hipster millennial that you worry about how someone else eats there food. Bad enough to write a fucking article about it? For God sake’s move on.
Wish I would never come across another one of this fucking authors posts unless he fucking dies.
Can’t stand pat’s fans. About as bad as cowboy’s fans. Wait, no worse. Definitely worse.
You pointing this out isn’t racist? Your just as racist as anyone. If you want to be a little less racist just point out that 3 men left their server a nice tip.
hahahahaha keep whining you fucking babies. Who is pissing their pants and crying now.
This is funny as hell watching all the Killary supporters piss their pants. We put up with Obama for 8 years. 4 years at least for Trump won’t kill you.