Stingray Sam

Says the guy writing (bad) nerdcore. I'll take pathetic disses for $800, Alex.

'Existence' and 'ExistenZ' don't rhyme though:
ExistenZ is pronounced /ˌɛɡzɪsˈtenz/ - main stress on the final syllable, secondary stress on the first. You can't just shift stress patterns or the whole thing becomes unrappable.

As if Barry cares about incest…

But you can download off Spotify. There isn't even a real time restriction as long as you pay your monthly premium fee. The tracks stay on your device for as long as you want.

He also makes a *spectacular* cordon bleu (Diggle raises his eyebrows in agreement).

You know, it is actually possible to learn the locations of other countries through other means than rote memorization. Say, through a genuine curiosity the rest of the world, reading more about other countries, watching international news, documentaries, traveling, etc. Do that and I guarantee the geography just

Let's not forget she has an ex(?)-boyfriend whose body literally is an amusement park.

I think the difference is that Lance has no emotional investment in Roy/Arsenal. With Sara on the other hand, he hasn't heard from her in ages (and he was asking after her even before Laurel donned the Canary outfit), and on some level he knows something isn't right, so he really wants to believe that she's alive and

@avclub-b313d7a1aaec35c82dd05d8d78bcfb48:disqus  - I totally get why you'd be put off by the profoundly odd conclusion to season 3, but "Utopia" is excellent - it's only in hindsight after having seen how the Saxon/Master plot actually plays out that it gets a bit of a bitter aftertaste.

@avclub-b313d7a1aaec35c82dd05d8d78bcfb48:disqus  - I totally get why you'd be put off by the profoundly odd conclusion to season 3, but "Utopia" is excellent - it's only in hindsight after having seen how the Saxon/Master plot actually plays out that it gets a bit of a bitter aftertaste.

To be fair, Tarantino did set this film's thematic predecessor during the Holocaust. So complaining that you can't use slavery as the backdrop for a film like this while having no (public) qualms about Inglorious Basterds is a little bit inconsistent.

To be fair, Tarantino did set this film's thematic predecessor during the Holocaust. So complaining that you can't use slavery as the backdrop for a film like this while having no (public) qualms about Inglorious Basterds is a little bit inconsistent.

Apparently, Observers also glide like a fuckin' lizard on ice.

Apparently, Observers also glide like a fuckin' lizard on ice.

No, what they were trying to establish here is why Doakes loathed Dex so deeply in the first place. Clearly, these scenes take place before any of the events in season 1, so apparently this is what led him to believe that Dex was hiding something. Before that, they seem to have got on fairly well as colleagues, so it

No, what they were trying to establish here is why Doakes loathed Dex so deeply in the first place. Clearly, these scenes take place before any of the events in season 1, so apparently this is what led him to believe that Dex was hiding something. Before that, they seem to have got on fairly well as colleagues, so it

But with Conan, that's sort of the joke. Being awkward around women is pretty key to his onscreen persona. And it's not like he doesn't make fun of it either -for example, this clip here from back in '99  has to make for one of the most uncomfortable TV viewing experiences I've ever had - to this day, I'm still not

But with Conan, that's sort of the joke. Being awkward around women is pretty key to his onscreen persona. And it's not like he doesn't make fun of it either -for example, this clip here from back in '99  has to make for one of the most uncomfortable TV viewing experiences I've ever had - to this day, I'm still not

That's totally a thing - in web marketing we call it click-bait and, unfortunately enough, it's everywhere!