
I’ve worked on data analytics around customer feedback for my job, and it’s a weird unfortunate reality that both companies and users are to blame. I’m not sure if it stems from the early days of eBay (“AAAAAAAAA++++++++++++”) or is just human nature, but the vast majority of our survey responses were either 10/10 or

It happened on a couple other articles, too, with different video ads. One, as a pleasant little bit of BS, would allow me to pause the video, but as soon as I scrolled a bit, it started right back up. Thankfully there was no automatic audio, but that’s the kind of nonsense that drives people to ad blockers.

I acknowledge that this is not the best place for this, and that you don’t control the advertising, Tom, but this is the page on which it happened, so.....

When you cross somebody’s ankles so hard you feel just a moment of regret....

I’ll add: buy all paper products in the biggest quantities available. They don’t go bad, and nobody really cares if you’re using a holiday print into March.

I’m continually amazed by people who feel the need to shit over other peoples’ enjoyment.

All of those X vs Y entries, and none cover insured vs ensured. :-D

All of those X vs Y entries, and none cover insured vs ensured. :-D

And Twitter feels the same way, deciding instead to shut down your account.

I’m in the process of changing my name to StingBlockRayChain. Venture capitalists can contact me here for directions on where to send their checks.

Sisyphus for the modern world.

None of these qualify, as none of them are actively on fire.

I was going to post this on the article linked, but figured trying to revive a 7-year-old comment thread was a bad idea.

I was going to post this on the article linked, but figured trying to revive a 7-year-old comment thread was a bad

Right there with you. It’s fantastic.

I was grinning like a damn fool through the entire movie. Not only did it manage to embrace what I’ve always felt was the true message and meaning of the Force, but it did so in a way that managed to redeem the prequels for me.

Turtles. All the way down.

Denver’s trying, and I hope they fail.

I’m going to have to take a look at this for my longer-term subscriptions. I’ve got a budget where I account for (most of) my monthly subscriptions, but car insurance, Amazon Prime, my VPN, etc. always sneak up on me.

I played a friend’s copy of regular Zombicide two weekends ago, followed by my copy of Black Plague last weekend. I like Black Plague a lot better.

I played a friend’s copy of regular Zombicide two weekends ago, followed by my copy of Black Plague last weekend. I

Aw... Now I’m sad I live in a world where WWxRS isn’t yet a thing...

Life is pain. Sometimes we have to suffer for the toys— I mean the ones we love.

Life is pain. Sometimes we have to suffer for the toys— I mean the ones we love.