
The last two years of my career have been built upon Google results.

The two biggest features I use are tables and INDEX-MATCH.

VW wants nothing more than for people to forget this ever happened and move on to buying their cars again. I’d say this guy wasn’t protesting VW so much as he was protesting our tendency to move on to the next scandal without actually fixing anything from the last one.

I’d agree with the article to keep it to yourself if you’re just trying to hurt the other person or if you realize the affair was a larger sign that the relationship needs to be ended. All you’re contributing at that point is more pain and misery to a situation that’s probably already bad, so better just to leave

“It is unfortunate that scheduling conflicts on this nature arise from time to time we were called out on our bullshit, but we are dedicated to working through all hurdles with our customers making last minute conciliatory gestures to deliver satisfactory options in an attempt to alleviate the public relations

I started watching the Palin sketch, but couldn’t finish it, primarily because Trump’s the sympathetic voice, and that made me want to vomit. I was hoping to see Palin and Trump try to out-crazy each other, or at least have Trump be all-in supportive of Palin’s speech, as it just got weirder and weirder.

Yeah, but there only six. If there truly were a god, we’d see the NFC East or AFC South with a fourway tie of 3-13 teams.

We switched off our unlimited plan a year and a half ago. Because of AT&T’s convoluted family pricing scheme, it worked out that the cheapest option was the 10 GB shared across three lines. The only time we ever even came close to using all our data was when my mother was without internet at home for a while and using

This cover doesn’t say, “Hey, you wanna fuck?” to me. Rather, it says, “I’m the goddamn queen, and none of you can touch me.” As it should.

There already is armed security in NFL stadiums. That’s the whole point.