
However, you would have a problem with said female space marine being killed by other, possibly male space marines. I can just imagine the outcry when 1 billion women are dead on CoD.

There are any examples of both anime and violence games under attack from Fem Freq and gawker affiliates.

GamerGate concludes that there

The fact that you think its okay to randomly call people child rapists negates all the third year english major bullshit you spewed

Wait... we're tired? ಠ_ಠ

Speak for yourself d00d! Kotaku obvious doesn't understand gamers. I mean, we're a community that can do nothing but straight grind for 50 hours and not even break a sweat. LOL We're not going to give up, we're not going to give in to the lies, we're not going to put up with the bullying,

"I'm not sure what Kotaku published that you think merits trying to remove advertisers from our site

it's just that we haven't gotten our viewpoint. As gamers Kotaku is supposed to be a site for us gamers to go to look up gaming news. And frankly it's tiring to constantly be under fire when we come here. When I come to this site I want to see articles about games or eastern culture or Fahey being Fahey... But what

It really has nothing to do with Zoe and who she does or doesn't jump into bed with. I got my skin in the game after the "gamers are dead, gamers are over, etc" articles. It unfairly paints a rather large consumer base. As a biracial, bisexual, I had Leigh Alexander call me a wailing, angry, white man. I took umbrage

And ultimately, you and your parent/sister sites are responsible for spreading a lot of the misinformation that this is only a one-sided harassment campaign. Individuals on both sides of the tag have been targeted in coordinated doxxing campaigns ever since the original "Zoe Post". You, as an editor, have chosen to

As well-intentioned as you might be, your wishes for this to simply "be over" are ruined by virtue of your call for peace being a non-starter; you don't get to say you're tired of the whole thing and then in the same breath, resort to the tired straw-man which continues to perpetuate the argument.

You see, Steve, that's the thing — you're tired, we're tired. Everyone's tired. But ultimately it takes me far less effort to email Kotaku and Gawker's advertisers, get them to pull out (just like BMW and Mercedes just did in the past 48 hours) than for you to keep pushing out thinkpieces and paying your staff.