I'm gonna check out the ones I haven't seen
I'm gonna check out the ones I haven't seen
Gussie, I'm not kidding. Watch The Haunting.
1) The Prestige
2) Memento
3) The Dark Knight
4) Batman Begins
5) The Dark Knight Rises
6) Insomnia
7) Following
8) Inception
reposted from the day thread because y'all are probably more willing to actually discuss this shit
nothing created in 2017 or ever really should be taking comedy tips from the Blue Oyster scenes in Police Academy
I'm enjoying Persona 5 but yikes this gay couple accosting Ryuji is flat-out not cool
Icons looks like it's going to kill Smash dead, right, bongoes?
Started a discussion thread for Evo
clicked expecting Bois, was satisfied
HAIM's new album is streets ahead of their debut. They've really matured.
Petersen's so underrated in his '80s movies.
I'm averse to migrating to a forum based on personal experience, but yeah, that's an option too.
hey just fyi since this Kinja thing seems to really be happening I'm going to make a channel on Disqus for us
and even if you aren't an Annie fan tbh, just watch the damn show
anyone who is an Annie an owes it to themselves to watch GLOW because Ali Brie is better than she's ever been
take it easy out there yo
Glow and Baby Driver are both really good.
There's actually a youtube video where a former special forces guy talks about how Reeves totally nailed gun handling in JW2 and says it's the best he's ever seen. I wish I could find it right now, but I can't think of the specific search terms that would get me to it. It's a fascinating little 5 minutes video if you…