I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
Oh really? The game was a joke. ME:A was as bad as it was because EA and Bioware deemed it acceptable to take their AAA team off of the newest entry in a AAA series and put it on a new IP (Anthem) instead. So no, the fans didn’t throw ME under the bus. EA did. And then they backed over it a few times to make sure it…
I actually think we as consumers have been too lenient in the past regarding bugs from Bethesda, and this is the result of that leniency.
This isn’t a new problem, its just shown up in a place that’s completely unacceptable this time.
There’s a separate conversation to be had about consumers buying in regardless, and a…
I’m pretty sure Bethesda repeatedly screwing up is what could potentially hurt their future games, not people’s grievances over the screw ups.
Why would any potential customer look at how Bethesda has handled things in the past month and feel confident about Bethesda’s future games?
But, by that logic, if you use it on another examples, some of them extreme:
“It’s hard for me to resent a giant, publicly traded corporation for wanting to make more money.”
But shouldn’t you? If we’re reducing this to simple economics shouldn’t we, as consumers, want as much as possible for as little as possible and begrudge them every penny? It seems fair that if we are going to excuse…
Shh don’t say that it goes against the narrative.
Police are an unimpeachable group in Spider-Man. They show no real flaws and make no mistakes.
I overlooked this line! LOL Spiderman and Reality in one sentence? This leaves me speechless.
I’m not saying the entire crux of the article is wrong, but to say that cops are unimpeachable and make no mistakes is incongruous with the first mission of the game, where a group of corrupt officer attack Spider-Man.
I do curfew checks where I work and the police come with us as both a security measurement and a community outreach. One of the mother’s of the kids we did these checks on said she didn’t want the police to come to the house because she didn’t want anyone to get shot. The city I work in (somewhat large and violent) has…
“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”
No, the electoral college was supposed to give slave-owning states a larger say in the office of the President in order to maintain the union (along with the 3/5 compromise).
I’m not sure I’d classify Destiny’s gameplay as “satisfying”. The gunplay feels great, but most weapons fall into one of four archetypes with the same effect on the target: weak single shots, strong single shots, burst-fire, automatic, and big blast. It’s not at all like the original Halo, where nearly every weapon…
So a game like Nier Automata which you play 3 times over to get the full story is dumb to you because it gates content off...how?
“We’ve reinvented personal narratives by making them all incredibly simplistic and underwhelming.”