
Good point, and counter point. Who knows is right. It’s certainly an option, he can decide whether it’s right for him or not. 

Assuming this is an EcoBoost engine, he should just throw a tune on it and it will likely fulfill his power needs. Tunes on these engines pick up a TON of torque which is what it sounds like he needs more of. Of course it doesn’t solve any noise issues but I have to wonder if this is related to the center latches on

How did a GM dealer give him a Kia? It’s a cool thing for them to do, I’m just confused why he didn’t get a GM product from a GM dealer. I went to their site and didn’t see Kia listed as a manufacturer they have on their lot.

I’m trying to convince myself to not watch this video as I know I’ll watch more than one (I’ve never watched just one of these recovery videos, it always turns into more). Well, here goes two hours of my evening...

This particular comment thread is a prime example of how to be oblivious, think you know better how to do something you have no clue about, and then continue to bury yourself to the very end. You started out with a “I have no clue about this sport” and finished it acting as an expert on how to make the sport you know

Joe Rogan is not anti-Vaccine so I’m not sure what he has to do with this story. 

There is basically always a Kia factory incentive of $5000-$7000 on these cars, it is posted on Kia’s website. That will knock those into the high 30's to low 40's and then you can negotiate from there. You won’t be able to get it quite as low when they are a GT1 or GT2 since their MSRP is higher but you can still get

Bought my AWD GT for 34k brand new...that’s not far from that 28k used car you referenced. Negotiated it over the phone, was in and out of the dealership in less than 90 minutes (had to wait for them to finish detailing it). There are always massive incentives on them and Kia dealers are willing to negotiate (unless

I once got in my car and the coins in the console looked all messed up like somebody had dug through them. Then I noticed a few other oddities where items were moved from where I left them. Thought someone was messing with me, or looking for something valuable to steal. Then I spotted a small turd in the coins. It was

It can just as easily be for a truck that’s built to have a really low ride height. Removing the floor creates additional room for the rear axle to tuck up into the fender area.
The size of the tires in the pic (relatively narrow) make it not look like it’s built for drag racing. 

It’s small enough that I’d imagine a magnetic mount for the roof would be ideal. That way it’s not killing MPG while driving, isn’t at risk of being stolen/vandalized, and is still ready to go whenever it’s needed. 

Could an F1 car do a faster lap on a track the exact same shape/size with no banked corners? Or any other race car? I’m not sure they could. It’s a small enough track that it would be hard to generate enough downforce. 

The rebate doesn’t effect the ability to negotiate the price since it’s a manufacturer’s rebate (which the dealer is refunded for). So negotiating 2k-4k off MSRP, and the tacking on the rebate (6k-8k almost always right on Kia’s site) is not out of the question. Regardless, it’s significantly less than MSRP, and we’re

I’m not sure how your math works but if I use the math I was taught and start at 55k before rebates, then subtract 7k for the rebate, then negotiate lower from there, I don’t arrive at 50k. You’re also starting with the most expensive special edition and acting like that’s the only available price. My AWD GT was $34k

My wife hauls around a 3 and 5 year old in ours daily. When we got it our youngest was still rear facing which requires more rear seat room. The seat still fit but not with much room to spare. Wouldn’t work if you are tall and need a rear facing seat on the driver’s side, can work if it’s on the passenger side. Only

A rattling hatch that was fixed within 6 months of release but people still harp on it like it’s still an issue. 

It’s actually not, because nobody is paying anywhere near MSRP for them. Typical rebate is around $7k, plus you can negotiate from there. 

The fenders and bedsides are different stampings than a regular F-150 (note the smooth area around the wheel openings vs the kinked area on the standard F-150). I actually prefer the smooth look. 

An add-on battery pack that would either fill the frunk (to offset the weight on the rear from payload or a trailer), or a flat one that would lay in the bed and could still have some payload on top (not thousands of pounds, but some sort of payload) would work decently well. Possibly make it a rental or lease type

Same here, my bookmark is to “Latest” so it’s chronological. I was blown away when I accidently went to the homepage with an errant click and saw the mess that was there. For a second I thought that was the “updated” Latest page but fortunately that was not the case.