I think the main problem would be the safety barriers aren’t set up for going backwards.
I think the main problem would be the safety barriers aren’t set up for going backwards.
As a work from home homebody who’s day to day hasn’t been majorly effected by the pandemic (and is perfectly happy with people maintaining social distancing forever), getting weird is old for sure.
Since you’re not really into the “LA Thing” anymore then it sounds like you’re a good job (elsewhere) away from jumping…
Understood. At least if you’ve got your house paid off (or mostly paid off) by the time you leave you should get a pretty good chunk of change when you sell it since real estate is crazy out there. If you’re in to the things that are relatively exclusive to LA (or other expensive locations) like the ocean and nice…
Have you considered just making less in a location where the cost of living is a small percentage of what it is in LA? A big salary is great but if you’re spending most of it on housing and such and wasting hours of your life every day commuting then why not get your lost time back, take a pay cut, get some land of…
What happens if you rest your hand on the shifter like many people do, particularly when in city driving where you have to shift a lot?
Great job identifying it. Now how in the heck did you do that?
In the interview I heard, he said he’d had this problem since he was a kid. Not to say all the concussions he’s had don’t have plenty of negative side effects, just not sure this is one of them. Could be though.
I think he’s legitimately wired differently than normal people. A clue to this is he has horrible night terrors where he’ll wake up screaming, sweating, etc. It’s like all of the scary/dangerous stuff he did all day without any regard for his own safety comes rushing back to him hours later or something. How else do…
I’ve found the more expensive lines of wrenches, ratchets, sockets, etc. from HF to be as good or better than my Craftsman collection. I’d say it’s better than modern (last 10 years) Craftsman and on part with 90's/00's and not quite as good as the “classic” Craftsman stuff. So as far as I can tell, they are already…
Their $9 electric cutoff saws are pretty amazing as well, and their click type torque wrenches (which in a test I saw somewhere was actually more accurate and held their accuracy longer than some VERY expensive name brand versions). Their higher grade wrenches, ratchets, and sockets are also pretty good as well. Not…
The porosity is the biggest concern but it’s in the middle of the cylinder wall which means it will have a minimal effect on how the engine runs (the compression and such all takes place near the top). So I’d not worry much about it, especially if it looks worse in the video than it actually is (which is likely the…
They do steal everything, that is for sure.
Tesla also currently has a lawsuit against this company and a former Tesla employee that downloaded autopilot source code before leaving to work for Xpeng (and another former Apple employee did the same thing before going to work for Xpeng). Shocking right?
The lower the value of the vehicle gets the less accurate KBB gets so that’s not surprising.
I have to refresh in Chrome on my laptop 2-3x before comments will load. The first time I just get the “grey dots” that show comments are loading but they never actually show up.
I’d like to read the section of the HOA rules regarding global pandemics and self quarantine, I bet they are extensive...
On a serious note, you’re right, she is violating the rules. The HOA is also being dumb as a box of rocks for not realizing that maybe, just maybe, there is a time and a place when using logic for…
A typo in the second to last paragraph of Kristen’s second to last story on Jalopnik...that’s gotta burn!
How in the hell can you come to the conclusion that I’m a landlord because I’ve almost paid off my mortgage? For the record I own no rental property, just the home I live in.
Seems I’m not the only one trying to have the last word. You’re busy complaining about shit you can’t control. How productive has that been for you? Play the cards you’ve been dealt and find a way out of it. Complaining isn’t the way out.
Geezus, you must be fun at parties. I never got pissy (and I’m still not, though you clearly are). You’re just reinforcing why this discussion (that’s not a discussion apparently) is pointless. You’ll keep blabbering over and over about your fairy tail thinking it matters as long as I keep replying though because…
I just didn’t need 3 paragraphs to explain that concept to you.
I’m also over the idea of discussing your hypothetical dreamland. 8 posts is enough.